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Everything posted by col_forbin

  1. If you have to ask, I feel for you.
  2. From now on its hook up the grill before we play. MM might have tapped into to something here.
  3. Col. Forbin is a song from PHISH.
  4. What they do to the Pats can not be considered ballwashing, it is more like whole gential area washing.
  5. Did I miss something last year??? Where the Packers in the Super Bowl??? These guys are on Monday Night every other f*cking week. WTF???
  6. I don't support Drew, and have to agree with some of what you said. However, throwing for almost 300yds is a fair game even with the ints.
  7. Props to Marv. If you looked up class in a dictionary, there would be a pick of Marv. You got to love him.
  8. Packer fans think their sh*t doesn't stink. It sickens me.
  9. My thoughts exactly, those two games are going to haunt us for the rest of the year.
  10. I would stick with high end av equipment. Some great brands that I have had in the past and have today are Denon and Marantz. The bulid quality on the amps are really well done. If you don't abuse the equipment it should last you forever. It looks like your talking about doing some kind of multi room setup, so I would look for models that have this incorporated with in the receiver already. There are several good ones out there for decent money. http://www.usa.denon.com/ http://www.marantz.com/hifi/america/main.html
  11. That Sir is what they call a sucker bet.
  12. I think this a league rule now. I don't recall any player this year with a tinted visor.
  13. I know I've been playing to much HL2, but we wants one
  14. Even the sun shines on a dog's ass some days.
  15. That is a big 10-4 down here in the south. Dreading waking up Thursday.
  16. He took 80 percocet before the game, and was seen later smoking crack. Nice Job Jason!!!
  17. Oops forgot to sign in
  18. That is what you get for thinking!!
  19. I don't how many of you have picked this up, but if you have not do yourself a favor and get this title. Worth every penny, the graphics are unreal. The new engine "source" is the heat. I bought both Halo 2 and HL 2, and in my opinion it is not even close. HL 2 kills anything I have seen thus far in gaming.
  20. I don't sell out, if I do I gets the hell out.
  21. I'd be happy with a new toaster for Drew, that is about all he is worth.
  22. Now if we can just use Jedi mind tricks on the chargers for a sign and trade deal.
  23. Like I've said before JP starts his first game on Dec. 5th. Enough said
  24. His hat should read "B word Ass"
  25. Not to metion the whole throw/don't throw to Eric Moulds. Puzzling indeed.
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