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Everything posted by col_forbin

  1. I live in NC also, and I have to say I HATE the Panthers. I can't stand them with every fiber in my body. I think this stems from the fact that they are on TV every week, and sometimes their games conflict with the Bills. None the less I hope they rott in hell.
  2. The are other teams in the NFL besides Buffalo .....Hmmmmmm interesting
  3. DOUG BRIEN This is NOT the answer we are looking for at kicker. I'd rather hire a donkey kicking backwards than this sorry sack.
  4. everyone on the fins.....I hate them all equally!!!!
  5. Links to his wife????
  6. Who is it??....work filter won't allow me to pull it up.
  7. One word: Strippers
  8. I say they fry that chicken.....deep fry that is
  9. It means you should probably keep your dreams to yourself
  10. You can't teach speed
  11. I agree. Must people need to feel like they are working toward something. Therefore religion offers this "need" to a lot of people.
  12. I guess that is one advantage for waxing......
  13. Six Feet Under rocks.....BTW this is the craziest thread. Half the people are talking about shaving the their nads, and the other half are talking about bowling!!!!
  14. Does this mean your mom likes shaved balls?? Phone number???
  15. I find the dried blood added to the flavor, that was quite refreshing.
  16. ....and he doesn't need work???? He sure as hell ain't going to work in the NFL.
  17. LOL......I think you're right. I can see the face on the nuns now
  18. They still have record stores???
  19. Somebody who has kids, please send them to school one day with this......
  20. Wow!! Not what I was expecting at all Rico
  21. Chicks dig it...plain and simple
  22. ......shaved but never waxed
  23. Of course this will INCREASE the chance that you piss all over your bed. Pros and cons to everything huh
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