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Everything posted by col_forbin

  1. Jerry We miss you brother!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Happy B-day guys!!!!!
  3. American History X Shawshank Menace to Society Boys in Da Hood Do the Right Thing Goodfellas True Romance Pulp Fiction Boogie Nights Back to the Future (any of them)
  4. Thank you. This is my point, Coach K will over recruit this guy in a year maybe two. Paulus will be a non-factor by his senior year. Much like Shav would have been if Coach K didn't force him to leave.
  5. Look...Coach K aka "Rat Boy" is great a what he does...that is a fact. I just don't agree about how he does it. He has his head so far up his @ss that he has to have a whole floor just for his office. I liken him to Dark Sidious on Star Wars.
  6. You don't live in North Carolina do you??
  7. I'm not sure about a DMB crowd, but for the majority of other jam band shows I have attended. Depending how light you want to travel, all you really need is cash. Everything else can be aquired in the lot. Probably a good idea to bring some beer, but you can uausally get some good deals on great beer. 1 for $3 or 2 for $5. Enjoy.
  8. Hmmmmm.....Jay Williams was driving reckless on a high speed bike. Maybe it is just me, but I would think someone who would have been molded into a "man" at Duke would know better. I guess I'm wrong sorry.
  9. What kids have done anything on the court in the league?? Hurley.....nope, Jay Williams...nope, Danny Ferry.....nope, Grant Hill.....I'll give you this one. If you go down the road 8 miles I think you'll find what you're looking for in Chapel Hill.
  10. F*ck Duke. He's no Tywon Lawson I know that much. Rat boy will throw this kid away like he does all his other recuits that don't work out.....see Shav Randolph.
  11. Don't hate the playa, hate the game!!!!
  12. just put mine up. I'm the cereal killer
  13. I had two herniated discs in my lower back about five years ago. I would not recommend going to chiorpracter first. I would first go see an Orthopedic Surgeon who specailizes in these types of injuries. In my case he took a MRI and then sent me to a Neurosurgeon for the operation. My .02.
  14. It takes a big man to admit your wrong
  15. good luck brother
  16. I told him to stay away from the brown acid!!!!
  17. KO-KO...Hey that chimps alright......High five ~Puddy
  18. This is good stuff guys
  19. D. Tally - Nobody gave more effort than this kid OJ - Nobody can "cut" and "slash" like the juice
  20. Exactly what I was thinking. Plenty of other fish to bang though so chalk it up to experience.
  21. She'd get it alright!!!!!!!!
  22. Top 15 are AFC WTF???
  23. Thank You!!!!!
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