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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Surprised they called that a catch in the first place... ??‍♂️
  2. Agreed. I’m rooting for “Just hit Brady!”
  3. Agree. But that's the NFL, sometimes a team that shouldn't beat you, does. Even the NE game was close, would love to have seen Josh finish it out. I mean, man, had we just won THOSE three games (in addition to the ones we actually did win), I'd feel good about our chances for the Wild Card...
  4. Smoke BEYOND cool on the WGR interview (paraphrasing here): "Have you ever thrown a ball in college or the NFL?" Brown (cool as ice) "Nope." Amazing. Love this team.
  5. Smoking a 'boro, I would hope... ?
  6. Pretty sure not many of us wrote the narrative like this... Time to get a little lit.
  7. That was a big boy drive right there - would have loved 7, but run that clock, make the game shorter...
  8. Pretty obvious who it should be after Boog and that other guy - and ESPN already employs them! Just bring 'em over from The Ocho
  9. They gave the match-up equal time on NFLN yesterday (I think?). But the Cowboys got a lot more coverage, because there's a lot more turmoil with them. The Bills are still "Awesome, 8 - 3, but who have they beat?", which is fine - just keep winning and let 'em say what they say...
  10. Too bad it's just a little out of focus - the capture of Beasley, Ford and everyone else just watching, is sick!
  11. The good news is the ? is finally on the other team's shoe...
  12. Completely agree; makes this a dangerous game for us. They'll either come out, fired-up to save their leader - or they'll ? the bed ?
  13. Was interesting the mention of totally rebuilding the O to suit Jackson. Sure as heck seems to be working! Obviously right personal, right scheme. The Ravens are going to be a force to contend with over the next few years, for sure! Though so are we...
  14. It sounds like just want anyone other than what they have. I’m sure Allen was the target because we played them yesterday (and the one guy that calls in every afternoon to talk about Allen - seems like a guy that gets it ?)
  15. Was listening to the Broncos “Schopp and Bullfrog” on 104.3 on the way to drop my car rental this morning. Th conversation was that, Broncos fans that are In love with Josh Allen and pissed that Elway didn’t draft him (which, that’s a thing?) should pump the brakes. Allen has played an easy schedule, check back in a mont (radio guy “oh I’ll remember and will call our listeners out!” cool, dude). Apparently there’s a guy that calls every afternoon about Right Josh. The DJs have dubbed last years QB class “The HOF 5”. Just thought it was funny that Broncos fans regret passing in Josh and that all sports radio guys are miserable bastages... ?
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