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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. First few plays against another team, Josh is amped. Calm down kid and let's go back to work after this three and out...
  2. Nice start. They have a fake train whistle and no fake crowd noise? And ya'll were completing about McD's clapping - he'll be the loudest fan there!
  3. They also have a Director level, 'cause it's on TeamWork. And many companies don't have a President of Marketing, typically a CMO, a VP and some directors (at least in the F500 companies I work with). Also, as the leading marketing guy on TwoBillsDrive how have the Bills NOT contacted me about these jobs!? ?
  4. Legit the best way to reach companies these days - it’s literally the ONLY way I can get through to Comcast. It’s impossible to talk to a human in that company...
  5. There is one name, and one name only, that’s appropriate for the “Bills Stadium”: The Stadium at Hammer’s Lot. I’ll start the gofundme soon... ????
  6. Is there any doubt that COVID will somehow fly the earth right into the sun just as the Bills are about to win the Super Bowl? I mean, the Bills might actually be good again and a rando global pandemic shows up!? TOO convenient. I'm guessing The Cigarette Man had something to do with this one...
  7. @AdamSchefter Update: Bills gave HC Sean McDermott a six-year contract extension, tying him to Buffalo through the 2025 season, per sources. Oh, oh, OK!
  8. The most ironic thing ever said on TBD. ? Now, let me tell you what an idiot at drafting that McBeane is. And don't even get me started on McClappy's bend, don't break D...
  9. In good news, I *know* there are other sports that are working to "open" this year, so there will be some case studies on the "quarantine everyone together for a while to run the season". Unfortunately, one of the biggest situations in which the virus can spread is when people are packed close together, yelling and screaming. Doesn't bode well for packed stadiums, IMO. Like Augie said, there's still time, we'll see how it all plays out...
  10. looks like a soccer team logo! The "horn" reads as a ball...
  11. 'Bout 10 PM we'll throw up the Bean Bat Signal and the Bills spending begins...
  12. Guessing he means, they would have more money to spend, but who knows. Both tweets could just as easily be made up. That said that ProFootball411 is posting all kinds of stuff (and has been all weekend) - just said the Pats are kicking the tires on Cam? Seems like Bill B guy...
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