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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. @TheProcess. I know you’re joking, but I hope our stadium crew has more class than that. That would be so Bills of yesteryear to fire those guys up. You are SO right - Russ would be like "Ohhhhhhh, this will really show them!" After breaking the bank for AJ Green before the season...
  2. Oline is getting smoked. Gotta figure out how to counter that rush...
  3. Don't ask, don't tell. Someone at the agency said, "No, you're from Boston, you commercials should *embody* Boston." Maybe they don't know people from Boston though...
  4. One of the good things watching this on Universo is that I don't have to hear Collinsworth. Granted, I can't understand what's being said, but somehow it's not worse...
  5. Pretty clear the NFL doesn't want tech that will make the game more accurate...
  6. For real though, the NFL needs to do something about the state of officiating.
  7. It's weird, he's had time, but we've also been around him. Let's get that pressure going...
  8. As long as it one of those nights for them too, we'll be ok. We're 9 minutes in, I'm confident it'll come together...
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