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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. True, though one could argue that headline ignores the entire pandemic thing that crashed the economy, caused mass unemployment and helped drive inflation. And a one day drop does not mean dooooom per your meme. Not that I really like the agree we're heading, but I'm in it for the long haul, so I don't over-react either way. Ignore politics, buy low, HODL, sell high(er)...
  2. And then there's today: Dow ends above 35,000 as major stock indexes close at records https://www.marketwatch.com/story/dow-ends-above-35000-as-major-stock-indexes-close-at-records-2021-07-23 Non-freaked-out-children retail investors know a big drop is a buying opp! 🤷‍♂️
  3. Wasn't quite sure where to drop this, but wow. Mods if this is too close to the line, feel free to delete, but it's certainly relevant to the season...
  4. You do have to love the logic of "One guy that's vaccinated got COVID, ergo, I'm not going to get vaccinated." Per everyone else in the thread, just stop talking on Twitter for a bit, Cole...
  5. The Biz DJ'd our companies 10 year anniversary party in 2005. Though he wasn't slated to perform songs we all got hyped enough that he did You Got What I Need - pretty cool moment for sure. RIP Biz. 🙏
  6. I have a Marshawn jersey...autographed by Jim Kelly (that was my sister's doing). And I have a weird Moulds jersey that's mostly white with the dark blue, but not the full "CFL-era" jersey. IDK what's up with that one.
  7. Paramount probably doesn't qualify at "premium", but Yellowstone is one of the best shows on TV! Definitely worth checking out...
  8. I don't know about you guys, but WE had a band last opener. OK, not a band, but Rich Rocka, aka, YaBoy, aka Stevie's cousin did rap a few for us - real nice guy 🤣 A band would be cool, but I can also see it being a distraction. Er, ANOTHER distraction in that lot, for that game!
  9. Go Bills (owner's daughter)! Bring home the hardware! One of the athletes I work with, Mariah Duran, is going for skateboarding - new Olympic sport this year.
  10. Which do get get first - Ertz or Dr Dre's Detox? To be fair we DID get G'nR's Chinese Democracy, just took a million years and didn't quite have the permanence of their other records. Much like Ertz I'm sure...
  11. This is a full opinion piece, so take it w a grain of salt. I mean, they needed to put someone on their list - its one player from each team...
  12. I like that the government says "We don't think they're extraterrestrial or Russian or Chinese." Okaaaaay, who DO you think possess this future tech? Is it Gates, Besos or Musk? 🤣 DIG UP THE OCEAN UFO, US GUMMERMENT!
  13. Cole went public with his opinion (to 475k followers, I might add), the cartoonist went public with his opinion. So no, not really. And whist I was IN, now I'm out...
  14. Engineer Warned of ‘Major Structural Damage’ at Florida Condo Complex A consultant in 2018 urged the managers to repair cracked columns and crumbling concrete. The work was finally about to get underway when the building collapsed. nytimes.com/2021/06/26/us/miami-building-collapse-investigation.html Yikes. Both the management board and original designer / engineer are in some real trouble here...
  15. ^^ not to wade too deep INto it, but I think it's interesting that there are those that say "Beasley is entitled to his opinion", but then look at this cartoon and essentially say "That cartoonist isn't entitled to his opinion". I saw Poyer do the same... 🤷‍♂️
  16. I'm a big fan of the drive-by and with the store there now, I've definitely stopped by in the off-season. The real question is, how many have just sat in the parking lot and drank a beer in the off-season? I mean, we all need the off-season to get ready for the real deal...
  17. They're going to build a 50 person stadium in Hammer's Lot. The field will be where we park and there won't be seats - you just stand on knoll (the Pinto will now be a permeant part of the stadium). I have it on good accord... I'm a big fan of US Bank Stadium - it's an indoor stadium that feels like you're outdoors when you're there. Course it would look like a spaceship landed in OP 🤣
  18. I'm a little confused by the line "I may die of covid, but I'd rather die actually living." Is he saying that if you get the vaccine, you're not actually living? Like, might it not be easier to get back to normal life with the vaccine? Seemed like a good enough reason for me...
  19. Perhaps, but what events are we talking about? I'm just not convinced that the extra cost would be worth it - especially in OP. This x 1,000
  20. Can't believe the amount of bellyaching in this thread - as of a few years ago, We're not even supposed to be here today! My goodness. Just because they hired Legends doesn't mean they're building a billion dollar stadium that will price out Bills fans. Pretty sure that the Pegulas know what makes the Buffalo Bills experience special and that will be baked into the plan. I for one am stoked - it'll be in OP (our stomping grounds since the early 70's), open air (it's Buffalo, we're love our crappy weather and not like we have tons of massive events coming in that need an expensive retractable roof stadium) and it'll be NEW (like, has anyone replaced anything from 1973 in 2021? Stuff got MUCH nicer). Plus, we can keep the TBDAHOT at Hammer's Lot (until Hammer sells it for $10B).
  21. Perfect excuse for a vacation to Spain - all we need for Boom Supersonic to be ready by 2025 (and a crowdfund page to pay for the ticket). Of course, if we're going to play in Spain, can they build a stadium in Mallorca? Went to Barcelona a couple years ago, it was a great trip and wonderful city to visit. Save for the Catalan protests happening literally in front of our hotel - nothing like rioters, flash bang grenades and Molotov cocktails to up the adventure level of a vacation...
  22. From the article that Yolo posted: “There’s a lot going on in my brain,” Jones said. “You’re trying to see everything; sometimes you see too much or whatever, and then you see nothing. I have to figure out in this offense how I can break down the plays, what’s my job, what I have to do on this specific play and slot the plays individually. “I did that obviously good in college or whatever, but this is the pros and I have to figure out how to do it here. So that’s what I’m going to do.” Nothing screams confidence like "I did it good in college, or whatever." 🙄 But I did like this part But don’t hold your breath waiting for him to be the starting quarterback early in the season. Jones is a quarterback who excels with his mind, not his physical attributes. He doesn’t have a rocket of an arm like Patrick Mahomes, or blazing speed like Lamar Jackson, or a combination of both like Josh Allen. Damn straight that's my Quarterback...
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