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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. So essentially you're just changing the location of your browser and using your paid sub, correct? Would this also work with a VPN? I've done mostly booter feeds the past couple years, but I might go back to (paying) DTV ST this year. I'm sitting on the couch with a broken ankle, so "feed reliability" is at the top of the list for me
  2. Too just got crushed (after a crazy scramble back, throw off the back foot, that was picked)
  3. Lotta "action" by the D, also felt like a bunch of white jerseys getting around the qb already...
  4. Sorry for your loss - great that your Mom was a big Bills fan! Let's hope they win a few for her this season!! I lost my mom a month ago, she loved the Bills too (though mostly because I love the Bills vs a real love of football). We were lucky enough to spend all of last year's amazing run together, cooking food and watching the games at home. I'll miss her cheering / freaking out regardless of what was happing And hey, to all our Bills fans up there in heaven getting ready for the game, GO BILLS!!
  5. Though I do love the idea of a downtown stadium - could you imagine the traffic? 🤣 "I'll be at Canalside stadium soon, just in stopped traffic...in Kenmore."
  6. Didn't read the article, but I assume its canceled because I can't be there what with my broken ankle? 🤣 This does not preclude me from drinking out of a bowling ball at home though, correct?
  7. Bad news crew, I broke the heck out of my ankle on Saturday and am recovering from surgery - I just don’t see how I can make it. The other VT boys will there, but guessing I’ll be watching on TV 👎👎
  8. What? No. Why!? Our current unis are the best in the league. Full stop.
  9. Also a fun fact, it was a veteran of the US Army Special Forces that advised Kapernick to kneel, since it would be seen as more respectful than just sitting on the bench. Turns out that was not the case... https://www.reuters.com/article/us-minneapolis-police-knee/u-s-army-veteran-stunned-by-negative-reaction-to-kaepernick-kneeling-idUSKBN23G2E2
  10. Oh man, it's going to rain at the opener? Probably not going now...
  11. Dude, have you never been to a hospital!?! That's a Spleendectimy Machine (the colors are a dead giveaway) - and the sling he's wearing is pretty clear sign they've removed his shoulder spleen. Officially Concerned.
  12. Blue helmets and Red jerseys are NOT BUFFALO BILLS COLORWAYS! Make it stop...
  13. I didn't even see most of our starters on the field - how good can they be if they can't even make noise in a pre-season game? What is McClappy trying to hide?? Color me Officially Concerned...
  14. I'll bang the drum for a stadium like Minny - that thing is niiiiiice. Of course I'd want that if it were going to be downtown (which it ain't, since the cost and timeline will be much greater). But really, I'm down with an open air stadium in OP. Just make it nice, none of this "we're the rust belt, we don't need nice things." - yes, we do. It's 2021, make the thing modern so that in 5 years we're not having this conversation again! Plus, if it's where the current lot is, Hammer's will be a few steps closer.
  15. *looks at Josh's deal* *look at own paycheck* Yet ANOTHER great day to be a Bills fan!
  16. Yeah, but how do I know he was aiming for the middle net? 🤣 Love it!!
  17. You know SOMEONE on here is thinking it. "I'm not sold on Josh, you can't fix accuracy, besides we'll have to pay him SO much to extend him..."
  18. I was never a fan until I saw Dead & Co. and thought "This Mayer kid, he's ok...". Would (will) definitely see them again! He also rocks a lot of Camp High gear, which is just a couple degrees of separation away from me, via VT. ✌️
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