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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Tell that to the WFT who put the VIP (or, more likely F&F) section ON the memorial. This, one million times this!!
  2. Well Okaaaaaay. If there's one thing society always knows, is that's the next generation is going to destroy culture with all their loser crap! First rock, then rap, now this darn TikTok! What's next - million dollar pieces of digital clip art!? Just because it's not for you, or you don't get it, doesn't mean its wrong or going to destroy society...
  3. I'm sure the billion monthly users care that you think dancing isn't cool, or they're all losers. 🙄 I'm not a big TT user, but hate to tell ya - it's where the kids are, it's part of their culture and a bunch of them making way more than you and I are at our jobs. So call 'em no talent, but someone is watching, so they'll be laughing all the way to the bank... And I'm not trying to defend dancing on social as something that is uplifting society, or even as something *I* think is cool, but 1) who are we to judge and 2) as a marketer that works with a few Fortune 500 clients, I assure you, you're undervaluing the power of the losers on TikTok.
  4. But how is he "acting out"? o_O He made a TikTok video, just like every other 21YO in the world right now. Not only that, but it was a video of him dancing and having fun at his brother's game - not like the kid went crazy and tore stuff up, said something stupid, or started a fight. Heck, he even apologized for something he didn't even know he did.
  5. Welp, it was a VIP zone, sooooo... If it were a "roped off area people were supposed to stay out of" those dozen people would not be standing there without Security immediately removing them. Trust me, you don't get a spot like that on-field (or at a major event) with out a team representative showing you where to be.
  6. It makes me happy that their fans had a few 4th quarter "We're going to win this one!!" moments, only to have it RIPPED from them! 🤣
  7. This is a strange thread... It's pretty clear that the WFT were the ones that put the VIP section over the memorial. Dumb. To blame the Mahomes kid is just wrong - what about the other VIPs standing there? Not disrespectful because they didn't do a dance? Not sure why people are getting so riled up over a kid making a few second TikTok video in the first place. It's not like a diss song, he's not dancing on the logo in the middle of the field, he's doing what the kids do - making a TikTok video. Harmless fun - just because you're over 30 year-old self doesn't get it, doesn't make it wrong. Lastly, also seems a little strange that people are surprised a relative of a player being allowed on-field / in the VIP zone. If my brother was an NFL QB I'd be there too - and probably posting stuff to social! Though because I'm old, my dace would appear on my MySpace page. Now the girlfriend, that's whole other thing...
  8. NE hasn't won at home this year? 👍 Also, can this be the year of the Bills / Dallas rematch? We'd smoke them!
  9. How was that NOT a flag? The NFL sometimes...
  10. Ha - holy sh*t! crazy game going on here...
  11. Ha - well there you go, I like to see NE fans get their heart ripped out!
  12. Heck of a start to that game for AZ...
  13. These are very legit questions... I find myself rooting for the Jags. Then oof...
  14. Near goal line pick. Yeesh, these two teams...
  15. The Marrone Effect? Another good example of why we should be BEYOND happy with the trend of the Bills!!
  16. Yeesh, were all out here playing checkers and Rubes here is playing 3D chess... Anyway, it's stupid. What's next Thursday Night Playoffs? Mega Super DUPER Wild Card weekend?
  17. I was home and watched all last season with my Mom, who passed away 2 months ago, today. She wasn't a giant Bills fan per se, but watched and rooted for them because of me! She'd be very happy they were doing well, I'm sure. I'll miss her excitement during the games (despite not fully understanding what's going on) and her texts and calls after the games. Sure would be nice for the Bills to have a magic ending to this season... 🙏 ❤️
  18. Funny, was going to post the same tweet See ya Chucky. No was he was walking in to face Nassib...
  19. Goes to show, officials suck all-around... Colts have to waste a challenge for the obvi.
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