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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Does that crazy series break this Allen / Allen curse we're seeing??
  2. Sitting here in this fracture boot, I hate to see ANY leg injuries these days
  3. The Tailgate section will be a good resource for you: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/forum/35-tailgate-central/ - There are lots of hotels by the airport that are cheap, so there's an options. I stayed DT (at the Courtyard, which looks sold out that weekend) this summer and had a good time hitting the bars, restaurants, brewery / distillery. Lots of stuff worth exploring and trying right outside your hotel door. - Not sure on the Uber DT, I had my car, so was driving. - You'll get 100 answers to this one. If DT, I've heard Gabril's Gate kills it. If you want a (pricey) burger, ABV was really good. And maybe a Stinger from Jim's before bed... - Got me, I always park at Hammer's Lot. Check the tailgate section. - Bring beers, make friends!! I'd pay attention here and on the Tailgate Central, I'm sure you'll find something to join up with! - Not sure, check BB.com to be sure!! - It'll be cold, wear layers!! And warm boots. Also, when in doubt, whiskey makes you warm
  4. Come on, if Da'rick can have 70+ pages, so can the trade that didn't happen! 🤣 I can't understand why we didn't trade late round assets for questionable players!?! Pitchfork is lit, just LMK where we're meeting up to march on OBD...
  5. Eh, Josh throwing on the run, missed what would have been a BIG gainer for Diggs. Get that rush contained and we'll start clicking...
  6. Uh, what? Trying to figure out why I should be outraged here... 😂
  7. I’ll give a thumbs up to the Pepsi NFL team when I talk w them - well done crew! 🙌 That said, they all know what a big fan I am, yet didn’t tap me… 🤷🏻🤣🙌
  8. I caught a bit of College Bowl, it was enjoyable - Copper is great, he should be on the Manning cast! That guy is just funny and it's even better with Peyton busting his stones all the time...
  9. I'm good w Miami winning - out of conference, gives them continued confidence in Tua, and keeps 'em from getting a / the top draft pick. They need to go like 8 - 8. Um, and 1, I guess.
  10. No Delay of Game call in Cinci and they throw a pick...
  11. A few years back I had the chance to visit US Bank (Vikings), that stadium is sweeeeeet. Someone from the org showed me a smaller panel of the roof, like you said it's plastic, but two layers w an air pocket in the middle. Apparently they can pump air in to crack ice and snow off. Regardless, it's an impressive building! W that roof and the giant doors that can swing open, it feels like you're outside. I can go either way on the stadium - part of me never wants to leave Hammer's, part of me would love to stay downtown in a hotel for the weekend and walk to and from the game. I've done a lot of sporting events in cities staying "right there" (including the Bills @ Denver) and it's always been a blast! Something nice about parking your car (or, better still, not even having one) and just walking, eating, drinking and making merry for a whole weekend... Looking at that location of the stadium I can see events in Conway park, Resurgence and Hartman's will be popping, Canalside would be a whole deal I'm sure, the Casino if that's your thing. IDK, it'd be waaaay different, but pretty fun to think about! Oh yeah, traffic would be a mess, but as mentioned, I'll be in a hotel. And I still think the tailgate would live on - why would it not? I mean, people with stadiums in cities tailgate and have fun too - we grilled, drank, threw the football, played music, etc. all in the shadow of Heinz Field (no relation). It wasn't same as staying in an RV in OP from Friday - Monday, but what is? Pretty sure the resourceful tailgaters of Buffalo will figure it out...
  12. 1/1, 3YDS, 1TD, 0INT - guy is on FIRE! His QB rating is probably incalculable... Would there be anything better for the Pats home fans to lose, after cruising out to 17 - 0 lead, to Mike White? Oh please. 🙏
  13. Def looked like the D wore down, they had some pressure those first couple series, then that mostly went away. Also, Tenn was physical all-around. I'm not sure it was as much the Bills buying the hype, but maybe Tenn using the Bills hype to fuel a big Monday night game. And yup, those RZ field goals proved to be the difference. Bet they'll see a lot of RZ work when they're back at it... Good thing we sometimes score from outside the RZ on occasion!
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