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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Just read in the morning brew email over 100 NFL players have tested positive between Monday and Wednesday of this week. That ain’t good…
  2. W our Online why WOULD we try to run? I mean, we don't have time to pass either, but yeesh, not like "not running" is killing us in this game - literally everything else is... :Beer:
  3. Long-haul..?...suckiness..? For real though this team overall is performing way worse.
  4. Wash could have about 17 turnovers today - every time I look Dallas is just about picking them...
  5. Well fart. Both teams have put it on the ground - let's go get it back...
  6. It seems to me USAA spends a lot of money telling us who can't use their products, vs what their products can do for vets. Also, TACKLE!! Yeesh.
  7. Where did all the negative nellies / scared from the start fans go? Happy Thanksgiving everyone - and if you know me, you know what a year it's been - thankful for my friends and my fellow mafia members ❤️
  8. If only we weren't down by 143, or something like that...
  9. ZOMG WE'RE DOOMED WE WASTED A TO! Yeesh, I too would have just taken the penalty, but is everyone looking at the score and time? Does it matter??
  10. Can you merge the two GDTs? I mean, so much awful should be in one place...
  11. And as said, I was fully with ya on that one- which is why hot takes are the norm, NOOOORM!
  12. "But if we were playing Alabama, they'd beat us" - someone making a thread after we win.
  13. Now this is a GDT take (and not picking on you), but "even though I didn't like the run when it didn't work, I did when when it did work." Also, I had just said - please don't give the ball to Singletary!
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