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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. What are you taking about? If Moss doesn't trip and Sanders catches, that's a TD TWICE!!
  2. LeGOAT you might be the online one in the GDT I constantly agree with!
  3. What we need are players that never get hurt o_O Welp, cart, that sucks...
  4. What does that even mean "we can't keep them healthy"? Did something we did cause him to get hurt? This IS the NFL, I mean...
  5. It was one drive - Josh and O need to keep the pressure on. Keep scoring and eventually, they'll have to abandon the run...
  6. lotta misdirection going on, they're getting the D off-balance...
  7. I was ok with going for it - we took a lot of time and even if we didn't score, not like the Pats o is quick strike (ok, often, they CAN break one too). The risk / reward was there, for me...
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