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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Dooooomed! Waiting for 50 pages of disappointment! 🤣🙌
  2. This is just NOT true. That said, we haven’t won yet today, so I agree that McD probably has to go… 🤣
  3. Yes, but what is reality but a construct of the human brain? Real is, as real does - or something 🤣 Suspended, augmented, virtual - welcome to the Original Metaverse 🤓 🙌
  4. I’m def down to kick in to buy him a space suit from Blue Origin - I feel like they should sell them on Amazon…
  5. FWIW, Tasker said as much yesterday on OBD - what Edmunds is asked to do is very different than what the MLB is asked to dk on other teams. And because of that fans maybe aren’t judging him fairly. He pointed out he’s a two time Pro Bowler, the MLB on a D that’s been near the top of the league, the guy making the calls for the D (so a little knowledge in his head) and that the coaches always praise what he does. I mean, you got me - seems like he’s often out of place, but I don’t know what place he’s supposed to be in 🤣. I do think he’ll be resigned, probably at a price many of us won’t like, but likely Beane will offer fair value for his services.
  6. McKinzie just BALLING out! Wind knocked out on that one (I sure hope...)
  7. Points AND took 6 minutes off the clock - NE ain't an explosive offense (you know, if you tackle the RB). Let's see some pressure D!!
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