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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Ok, that was a catch?? Way to go refs - another clueless call the coach has to fix w the red flag…
  2. Sounded like a lot of 9ers fans there. Must be tough to be a Dallas fan leaving that game…
  3. Not sure if anyone is listening to WEEI, but "Dan from Rochester" just DESTROYED Pats fans. So amazing. “You’re the most arrogant, insufferable, fans on the planet. You've had too much success. And get ready, AFC goes through Buffalo for the next 20 years.” and on-and-on... 🤣
  4. Literally one of the most satisfying Bills games I've ever watched...
  5. This might be one of the most satisfying Bills games I've ever seen. ❤️
  6. ZOMG FIRE FRAZER - HOW CAN THAT HAPPEN? SHOULD BE A SHUT OUT! Confused Hyde, I think we'll be OK. Let's go 6/6 on O...
  7. Production trucks must have been down or something - that camera work was strange. that 3rd down D, was not.
  8. Well, this thread made me realize my TV was behind realtime! I must have rewound something
  9. Was going to say "Or we fire Dabol!" but that doesn't feel like it'll be an issue...
  10. I love this SO much. Says all you need to know about the Buffalo Bills. ❤️
  11. Josh to Diggs “I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!” I AM going nuts, man!
  12. Our D is HITTING. They're like, "we're not physical? yeah, right."
  13. Well, the punter looks slow...what's that? We haven't punted? IDK then..
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