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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Nice and TO is running around on the sideline swearing about not getting the ball. Goooooo Dallas!
  2. And hey, the Jets got pounded worse than us AND the Dolphins lost too...
  3. And Drew being Drew in the clutch... Two crazy sacks, a long bomb then a pick returned for a TD. Dallas you and TO SUCK!!
  4. He ended Meet the Press with "Go Bills, beat the Bears!" Gotta love that guy. Can someone please fast forward time to 1:00 now..
  5. Did anyone catch "Dolemite Jenkins" on NFL Network last night? Another classic from Portis... Here's a choppy vid of Dolemite in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh67e2NQab8
  6. They mentioned the other day that he's on every Thursday, I wonder if he's on around 3 each week? If only they streamed the NFL channel through the Intertubes like they do Stern...
  7. Link: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/foot...n.ap/index.html
  8. Interesting that they just announced the Bowen has a break, not a bruise... They're playing some games there at OBD.
  9. The team showed a lot of heart today! Hopefully this lesson in how to hang on and win in the end will serve us well in the future...
  10. WOW that was WAAAAAAY too close! What a good game...
  11. For those of you looking for a link 1) the news came via text and 2) http://www.buffalobills.com/ are you really that lazy?
  12. Love the headline: "T.O. tried suicide, report says" Tried it, but didn't like it? I feel like the Star-Telegram has their Jump To Conclusions mat out...
  13. Hammer - clearly your old school! I know your place has a grass lot and I think that's part of the beauty of the The Ralph, the fact that the parking isn't downtown next to some highway. You seriously don't know Sully? he is your neighbor down the road... As for the ribbon board, I'd love to see more scores from other games and stats from the one going on. Didn't know about the Blue Zone, it was just a first example that came to mind when thinking "local Buffalo marketing partners" In the end, with the way the WNY economy works I'm sure neither of us will have to worry too much about seeing any large-scale changes to the old Ralph! I guess the bottom line is that as long as they keep the team there, I'll be a happy camper!
  14. I've been to a few different stadiums (most recently Gillette last year and Quest field this year, though there was no game going on) and while The Ralph has it's charms it's a decidedly old school stadium... Personally I love the wide open concorses and spaces in most of the new modern stadiums - they just beat the cinder block halls of the Ralph. In the $20MM article they talk about potentially using some to upgrade the Jumbotron and add some "ribbon" scoreboars around the side of the stadium. The ribbon boards alone would make the place look and feel a lot more modern, plus they would have more room to show scores from other games... It's interesting that the marketing department always talks about the difficulty of striking deals, but there seems to be so many opportunities in the food and beverage category. Why not tap Labbat and create the "Blue Zone" - pain the hall blue, add tables and food, TV's showing other games around the league. Or how about taking advantage of the local cusine - a Beef on Weck joint, and Anchor Bar outpost, perogies. Naturally it's still my favorite place to see a game (where else can you tailgate on a *grass* field - thanks Sully), but the old place could use some updating. Hopefully some Buffalo teenager will come up with the next Facebook (which Yahoo! may buy for 1 BILLION dollars; Scott get on the phones TBD is worth at least that!), buy the Bills and put up a new stadium right downtown! I'll be moving to downtown when that happens!
  15. No link to any vids, but I DO have a link to this gem of a letter from Joey Porter's Pit Bull to the horse it killed (warning, lotsa swearing in this one): http://www.themightymjd.com/2006/09/21/a-l...rters-pit-bull/
  16. Dude. Rigs - Rigatoni... I made a nice sauce with a ton of pork, beef and sausage. I put all the sauce and meat over the cooked pasta, layed down a layer of mozzarella and baked it. Gold Jerry, gold. Next up - Beef on Weck since no one in Vermont seems to understand that concept...
  17. Peter King must have watched the pc too - from todays MMQB: "I like J.P. Losman's emotion" It's a start...
  18. Clearly JP needs to visit this online retailer: http://www.3rd-eye.com/
  19. Game Balls: - That 30 Pack of Miller High Life Jeff brought over after the 18 pack of Labbat's was gone - HD broadcast of the game on my big screen TV - My baked rigs Goats: - The final score - My hangover - Having to wait another week to see a Bills game
  20. Though we should have more points we're looking good - once this team really pulls it together (read: second half of the season), watch out...
  21. The wind looks like it's sorta pushing passes around and it did some funky stuff to that FG... Our D is on fire.
  22. Leftwich has thrown for 28 yards and a pick. wow.
  23. Nice chunks from Willis - let's see that 100. Ko Simpson missed on that long Jets play...
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