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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. w00t - it is tiiiIIIIIIiiiime to get the season on!! I can not WAIT for Sunday!
  2. "Up next a big country star!" Click... Thank you God for the NFL Network.
  3. I just read all of those stories on the front page of TBD - I have a huge smile on my face! See? It's good to be a Bills fan my friends. I'll raise a can of Blue to all y'all on Sunday!!
  4. Go to the front page of TBD, read all of the Buffalo News articles and tell me that you *still* don't want to be a Bills fan! I'm so fired up right now, I'm buzzing. Can Sunday pleeeease get here soon? It's been stated before, but I'll say it again - the Buffalo Bills are about way more than just Football, way more than W's and L's. The Bills are are a representation of the area that most of us call (or called) home; they ARE Buffalo! The Bills are about community, friendship, fun, reminising on the old days, getting together with a crew and pulling for our guys, in our city, in our stadium to triumph over adversity. I wouldn't give up the Bills for anything in the world! Win or lose... Going to The Ralph on Sunday's is the one thing I miss the most about living in that area! Of course, I'll be hitting the bar this Sunday and meeting up with the dozen or so other Bills fans here, drinking too many Blue's, eating wings, wishing for a Beef on Weck. Oh, and I was in New England for the Sox series win - trust me, it's going to be soooooo sweet when we finally get our Super Bowl victory. No matter if it's in 2006 or 2036...
  5. Exactly - all the way up in VT. It's long gone, but so is the girl it was dedicated to, so all is right in the universe... Nah, I've been around. I stop in and post every once in a while - I finally got a nice laptop that I can drag around with me, so I'll stop in and post more. Unfortunately I'm a little far from the stadium to make game days! Fear not though, there are about 12 of us up here that hold it down at a local bar on Sundays! Seriously though it feels good have some optimisim about the team again. I actually believe we're going to be, dare I say it, good this year. Or at the very least competitive! Hope all is well with all y'all...
  6. Psssss... Oh sure, Dick Jauron has been "a top Defensive mind for 45 years" and "working in the NFL" and may have even "actually played football". But *I* have been hard at work sitting on my ass watching games on TV, reading the Interweb and drinking Labbat Blue's and I know this much - COY WIRE MUST NOT START! Clearly with my background I know more than 'ol Jauronamo does Also, LOL @ detoxsmurf's post...
  7. 'Course guess that run made up for it - he's playing tough...
  8. OMG - TO TO PLAY FOOTBALL! STOP THE F'N PRESSES!! Could there possibly be more hype?
  9. I'm just saying - the Bills are playing well tonight. They've had a pretty good offseason and seem to have gotten better as the pre-season has gone on... I'm listening to the game and watching the NFL Network and they're talking about the Titan's QB situation (for the 8,000th time) and TO. Where's at least a little respect for the Bills - Jauron and Marv in particular?
  10. Man, guys really seem to be competing to make the team! I can't believe Buffalo's effort isn't getting more coverate on NFL Network. Think the media will ever start to understand that this team has *potential* this year?! Guess a few wins will prove it..
  11. Is this the same team that has been here the last few years? I'm telling ya, with this leadership we're in good hands!
  12. Did they just say that was the *first* penalty against the Bills!?
  13. Murph mentioned the completions and Nall throws an incomplete...
  14. Things been good - I have a super fun job up in VT and you all WILL be happy to know there is a contingency of Bills fans up here! Me thinks our team is going to surprise some folks this year...
  15. Never! Of course I lost the girl too, so it kinda all worked out I finally have a decent computer set-up and some time for Internetting...
  16. Ah, I miss Killbuck road ;-) Hmmm - the Bills seem pretty decent this year huh? Hi ya'll...
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