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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Touchdown Royal!!!!!! I can NOT believe what I'm seeing!
  3. Awwww - standing in in pressure!
  4. This is going to be great for their confidence - here we go baby...
  5. Well - that's *one* way to respond! Wow! ?
  6. I agree. Let's see how we respond, I guess... Will Trent be back? ;-)
  7. Wow - great play by the D there...
  8. If only we could THAT every offensive and defensive series this year, we would be really, really good. That's all I'm sayin'...
  9. that was SICK - thank you for that XS link! I can't wait to see this later on NFLN... Seriously, that was about as "best case" as it could be
  10. Seriously - this is a great start. Now lets finish it.
  11. Steelers are going to be a great test for our team...
  12. Anyone listening to the 97 Rock pre-game? They said that Lee's contract is close and it should be done before the season starts!
  14. No sh*t - small world! I have a cell phone pic to prove it to the people at work
  15. With Marshawn, getting girls! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSO-kdWLFes
  16. Snortin' Norton reported it from the top of the Darrien Lake ferris wheel - he *saaaaaw* Peters man!
  17. I *knew* this morning when I saw a car in the Starbucks lot with the plate "BUFFBLLS" and a "You're in Bills Country" bumper sticker this morning that it would be a good day. Keep in mind, I live up in the Vermont... Puhhhhh-lease let this be true!
  18. The last picture is obviously fake - the two people HAD to be photoshopped in ;-) Those are some great pictures, I always love to see Bufflao reflected in a good light. AdamDrizzy hit the nail on the head...
  19. Photoshop'd - guarantee it! Damn that Chris Brown...
  20. #7 was Youboty's pick of Collins and lateral to Corner #3 was Hardy's TD catch from Losman Not much commentary on each, but it was good to see the Bills featured - twice, at that. Maybe all is not as bad as it appears... Maybe we're really just dooooomed...
  21. There's lots I agree with in this thread... For the record I wasn't trying to praise or bash Trent, just wondering what some people saw that swayed them in one way or another. To me we still need to see a lot more of this O before I pass judgment.
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