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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Just out having "one last beer! WOOOOO!" "No, no, just ONE more! YEWWWWWWW!" "WHY CAN'T I GET THROUGH THE GATES IN 10 MINUTES - STUPID BILLS!" Or something like that...
  2. Lotta people in Buffalo have church TONIGHT!
  3. Looks good now, but sounds like snow will roll in at some point. Regardless, LET'S GOOOOOOO!
  4. Was gonna say the same - This dude from Bills Mafia - can't be wrong fwiw, there is ONE person I see that's posted this on twitter...
  5. Hard fought won, but well deserved (and needed)!
  6. Why can't this ever happen to me? 🤔 I'd even be willing to give Vrabel power over all of my clients...
  7. Someone already went there? Darn, I had planned to spend the afternoon explaining "why my gut says" Brown is better for Josh than Diggs. Oh well, I'll go actually DO stuff now... 🤣
  8. At least your lack of faith in the Bills is consistent… 🤣
  9. I see the GDT is still the GDT... Happy Thanksgiving ya'll!
  10. Where are the TBD Hammer's Lot locals sitting? A couple friends are asking.
  11. Was at a party last night with a bunch of snowboarders up here in VT and EVERYONE was like "Heitz, let's go to Buffalo they've got the snooooooow!!!" 🤣 Stay safe and warm out there, everyone that's getting the heavy stuff!!
  12. Yes, because all top pro athletes know the best way to your next payday is sit around and to do nothing, no big deal. And also, pro athlete don't have any drive, so they really WANT to just sit and do nothing and collect a paycheck. Seems pretty plausible. 🙄 I'm not sure why he's not playing (other than, you know, a major injury that required surgery), but I'm guessing it's not just laziness like many here seem to think
  13. Not sure WHAT he saw there, just forcing it into...nothing. Oof.
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