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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. I liked the stat in the game that Josh had 3 4,000 yard seasons in 5 years and the Bears have had 0 in like 107 years 🤣🙌
  2. Or, and check the GDT here, he sucks and we should be worried 🤣 Congrats to Josh - not sure we could have landed a better face for the Buffalo Bills franchise 🙌
  3. Forza Buffalo (OK, and Firenze too) 🇮🇹 💚🤍❤️
  4. Where to start? I have been starting in Florence, working my way to Bologna, then finishing in Venice. But I'm sure you would know better than me... 🇮🇹 Wait, did I misinterpret this thread? 🤣 Go Bills, Forza Buffalo!!!
  5. I thought I was going to run out of "🙄" reactions! For real, I enjoy the game so much more when I don't read the GDT. But I often do because it's like watching a car crash in slow motion... 🤣 And honestly, sometimes it's just fun to break stones (or take a ribbing), so here I am! Well, you would think, but then you come to a Bills post-game thread were we all watched the same thing, but some saw something totally different! 🤣
  6. In his post game, Josh did mention the wind and how it was tough because you didn't know when a gust might happen. Like you, not sure that was the case on that pass in particular, but not sure Josh would just make stuff up about the wind. Though, I read he sucks now, so maybe he is? 🤔 🤣 Also, at least we know cold and win won't be an issue for whoever plays in the SB. 😎
  7. Yes, if the Bills lose in the playoffs, you'll show me and I'm sure you'll be happy about it! 🙄 Until then, I'll remain optimistic in my believe in this team and their ability to dig themselves out of bad situations (or to play through crazy adversity, which has sure been the case these last several games...)
  8. You dooon't say? But just because Josh has a bad game, or throws some, abjectly bad picks (and almost had a couple more) he's not suddenly terrible, the Bills aren't suddenly not a competitor, everyone doesn't need to jump off the bandwagon (or, maybe they do...).
  9. I'd rather have a fan with hindsight who's correct, than a bunch of Nostradamus' who think they know the future during the game. Like this post for example: "This team is just not a real contender. You can't have a quarterback just throwing it to the defense repeatedly." How did things turn out after that post? 🤔
  10. Guessing that super cold, the holiday travel, etc. affected us today - excited to see what happens next week! Oh, and, Go Pats (I feel dirty).
  11. In spite of our team (according to some fans) 🤣🙌 🔥🔥🔥
  12. Did anyone post, you know, how we actually do on 3rd and Long? I didn't see that stat, but did find this "Team Opponent Third Down Conversion Percentage": https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/stat/opponent-third-down-conversion-pct Looks to me like we're middle of the pack (and I'm sure 3rd and Long is factored into this stat, so how back can we actually be?). In good news, the Bears are the worst at 3rd down, so we do have that going for us today!
  13. Fun fact, in the 70's they had a wacky idea to put a dome over the entire town of Winooski, VT https://vtdigger.org/2022/04/24/the-winooski-dome-how-this-mill-town-was-almost-sealed-in-a-bubble/ And people think the folks in Buffalo drink a lot... 🤣
  14. Guessing this game will not be on TV in New England (where I'll be for the holidays) - better get work on finding an NFL bar in Rhode Island...
  15. "Embrace the cold, enjoy the suck, it's not that bad." Dumb. Prepare for the cold because it'll kick your ass. Gear up, be ready and don't let it affect you...
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