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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Are you saying starting them a few minutes before has *helped* our game? As I posted on Fb when I woke up, I'm like a kid in a candy store! Can 7:30 just get here already?
  2. I liked this quote from Trent, I completely agree: “It’s all about not turning the ball over, not making stupid mistakes and converting on the third downs, doing our assignments and understanding our responsibilities,” Edwards said. “I think that’s the thing in the preseason. It’s different when the lights are on and when you’re against live action. “We need to make sure we’re in stride when the season starts. We need to make sure we’re going on all cylinders. There are teams that don’t play well in the preseason, but we don’t want to be one of those teams.” Link to the full article: http://www.fltimes.com/articles/2010/08/12..._medium=twitter
  3. Well, that was pretty good - the Jets organization comes off as a little goofy, but I can see why players get motivated by Ryan. Tannenbaum is a wreck, seems amazing *that* guy's a GM. I liked crazy Joe Namath too.. The Jets looked good in practice (I guess) and they definitely expect to be good - we'll be in for a fight this year. That said, I think that they need to have a lot of things go right to be elite, so we have a shot. I'm sure it'll be fun to watch it all unfold...
  4. Anyone else going to be checking out this years Hard Knocks? Should be interesting to get an inside view of one of our AFCE rivals and to see what's going on in Big Ol Rex's head... Can Friday get here soon?
  5. You truly believe all of that based on what you've seen of these people thus far during their time in Buffalo? No, it's not game time yet, but if you don't think that there is a marked change of tone with the Buffalo Bills you're crazy. And that change of tone is from the people that you mentioned...
  6. lol - it's called the Internet, welcome to it
  7. I don't see any arrogance or bragging in that statement at all - he's praising a guy that he hired for a high visibility position in his organization to the media. Haven't you ever worked for a company that hired someone high visibility and then had a presser praising the guy? Pretty stock for the business world... And the statement feels even less like bragging when Chan says "He and I have been working with a lot of these same schemes for a long time. He knows exactly what we're trying to get done." Sounds like the right guy for the job to me, though time will tell. Guess it wouldn't be football on the Internet if people didn't have words to parse, conclusions to jump to and things to B word about...
  8. Does this mean that I can't make a T-shirt that says "FUGGINS" now? Bummer...
  9. I'm getting closer - working on that ticketing / scheduling thing right now...
  10. As always, it'll be like we have "twice the draft!" next year, what with all the guys coming back off injury Um, did Chan just say that the starters might play a little longer than they normally would, Friday? Sweeeeeeet...
  11. Yup totally - my bad. Classic exchange though: Reporter: "What is it?" Chan: "An injury."
  12. That quote was from an after practice last week (I think). Sounds like Chan being Chan to me - he plays his injury cards pretty close to the chest... Don't worry it gets better (from WRGZ's Twitter): "WR James Hardy leaves practice late with indisclosed injury - Gailey says not serious."
  13. I disagree - we might not know if Trent is going to be the QB of the near-future, but I think that how the team plays, their attitude, the plays they run, the way they run them will give us a glimpse into our year...
  14. Not for nothing, but I did post about this last night: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=116936 In fact looking at the thread, Skoob you already posted in it - but you love to start threads I guess...
  15. Who knows - they didn't do squats, practice in pads or hit each other last year, so who knows... Guess we'll know a lot more on Friday!
  16. But, haven't the practice notes say that he's been throwing down field the past few days? Not saying that immediately translates to success on the field in a game, but what he did last night seems more relevant than what he did last year under Jauron...
  17. http://www.fanfeedr.com/nfl/2010/08/10/tre...s-night-session Nice to hear that the O had a good night despite the rain. Trent threw the ball around AND played in the elements!? http://www.buffalobills.com/media-lounge/v...5d-935870b7b260 Love Chan's comment at the end on practicing in the rain - hope it continues into the winter!
  18. http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post/_/id/...rst-depth-chart Not many surprises - guess the reports on Hardy and McKelvin were right... Can Friday just get here already?
  19. Trent Edwards is going back - TO THE FUTURE!!
  20. fwiw, ESPN posted a typical insider story that is probably pure speculation... http://insider.espn.go.com/nfl/features/ru...s%2frumors#5685
  21. I've got it! The author is James Hardy's cousin. By leaving Hardy off his roster, he was clearly demonstrating his "most non-biased" attempt at guessing the roster...
  22. PTR, it is like $3 more for Internet listening, but you can stream that to your iPod. I listened to the whole show, the Chan interview was the best part. Nothing really new, though Pat and Tim were not as down on the Bills as fans might expect. If, IF we can score some points, we might be ok. Not playoffs, but not bottom of the NFL either... Another thread on this: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=116652
  23. I wish I could - it's a few hours of talk. They're replaying an interview with Alan Wilson - all about Double A. Strange to say the least...
  24. Ba-bump me. Not sure if anyone listened to this - but it was pretty awesome. You have to love what Gailey is going to bring to this team... Anyone? Anyone?
  25. Couldn't you have included this in the thread you already started talking about this in? o_O
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