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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Yeah, def make a trip to Europe at some point - just a whole different set of cultures from country to country! And a Bills game is as good an excuse as any other. I've never been to London, so this one is on my radar, though probably only if I can link it together w my annual Italy trip which is typically in September. This would really solve the problem of "where do I watch the Bills while on a Euro vacation?" 🤣
  2. I find all the “Josh was throwing picks all willy nilly out there” a bit confusing. The one to Brown probably should have been caught had Brown now slowed down - if nothing else, should have been like a punt. The one to Beasley literally hit him. The narrative reads like Josh was trying to throw the game away…
  3. Let’s Go Bills! Watching this one from Bozeman, MT (where a I found a Pats bar but no Bills bar - F that bar! 🤣🙌). Personally would love to see a little more Cook today, let’s get that kid heated up for the playoff run!
  4. 100% how I read this too - and he’s not wrong. Like, does anyone think the Ravens have a better chance *without* Lamar?? 🤔
  5. Why not, this thread's gone everywhere else... Lil grilled Mahi Taco perhaps? Buffalo hot sauce w a pickled celery slaw and some BC on top. 🌮
  6. Your takeaway from this is Tua is going to play? Two memes, from a Bills podcast? That are clearly a joke? You SURE you're a Bills fan? Your takes are all so far off the mark, IMO...
  7. It's interesting to me that McDaniel keeps throwing out "next year" when talking bout Tua. His quote yesterday after the game was “And I will not think about any game — whether this year or next year — until he’s fully ready. And that will require medical clearance.” IMO, they're being mindful of their language so the fan base doesn't completely freak out when Tua can't go during the playoffs. Obvi we'll see, but that language in no way says to me he's definitely playing as many here seem to think...
  8. Unreal. And people in TBD doubt Josh! 🤣 Let’s Go Buffalo!
  9. You’ll never seen a bigger group whiney Nostradamus’ than in the GDT 🤣✌️:beer:
  10. To point 2, no one does, the advertiser will just get make-up units in some other broadcast. They don't just "lose the ads". This thread is a real hoot, have fun gang
  11. Well said eball - this one is really hard to process for me as a fan, I can't imagine what it's like as a player. Just, difficult. You hit the nail on the head with "I am proud of the team, the coaches, the fans, the community…proud to call myself a Buffalonian." Never more so! The strength everyone has shown over the past few years is unreal - we're all going to need a big hug after the season... I trust the team will do what's right for them moving forward, but no matter what, this will be an all-time Bills team, for me.
  12. I’m just gonna go w “who?” for every name mentioned here 🤣
  13. I like this - a lot of talk (and hype) coming from Cinci. No talk from Buffalo, just off in the snow like Rocky carrying logs up hills and putting in work! Lets Go Buffalo!
  14. Was that defender not all over the WR on the pick? Strange play. Bad Colts!
  15. Terrible. NFL needs to get this reffing situation taken care of...
  16. Not sure you have enough first person references to reply to that guy… 🤣
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