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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. I'd, guess she was (occasionally) singing over a backing track. Happens all the times at big events 🤷‍♂️ And, fwiw, read this in an article: "In line with NFL policy, halftime performers’ rehearsals are prerecorded live, so they can sing over it as much or as little as they like as a musical safety net." Again, 🤷‍♂️
  2. Wait, what? Indoctrination into what - mother's working? Women having kids? 🤨 Aaaaaanywho, good article from Pitchfork on the matter: https://pitchfork.com/thepitch/the-sly-dominance-of-rihannas-super-bowl-halftime-show/
  3. Agree to disagree on "the process". Having a set, consistent philosophy and way of approaching things is always preferred in sports as it is in business - helps ya get consistent results and helps drive your culture. OK, coaches should bring a strong culture - doesn't mean they do. Heck, not even most of the Bills past coaches have brought a strong culture, let alone all NFL coaches. If you think McD's culture with the Bills is bad WTF was the culture before he got here!? 😳 🤣
  4. The first one is literally one of the most important things any leader can do, so not sure we want no more of those things! 😂 As for the second, I think ownerships (and likely even the league's) definition of "things going bad" don't include making the playoffs year after year. And yeah, I'm as frustrated as anyone we didn't win the SB, but we're also not pooping the bed game after game, season after season... As for the bigger question of the post: NFL Coach Responsibilities
  5. Just a heck a play there - not sure this game is that I thought it would be, but clearly KC still got it…
  6. By far the best conspiracy theory on earth - I love the whole thing so much! 🤣
  7. For freaking real - people are complete kooks these days! Problem is everyone has access to information, not to TRUE information, just words written by someone who may, or may not, know WTF they're talking about 🤣
  8. Because no one else will work with him, but "his guys"...
  9. I'm feeling good, even confident at the moment. I think the O dials it back enough to get on track and put up 24+. And I'm liking the notion that we'll be moving our D line around to disrupt what we can only assume will be a quick pass game. Cinci is good, we're better today... That @plenzmd1 is a classy individual - probably sipping Lagavulin and eating caviar with Hammer and the gang as we type... 🤣
  10. OK, Jacksonville - now let's see that D put the pressure on!!!
  11. How was that not a hold? Didn't the offensive lineman just try to yank a guy down by his arm?
  12. Let's see some pressure! Can't THEIR Josh Allen play with reckless abandon too!? 🤣
  13. He's clearly still hurt - the Jags WILL get a hit on him eventually...
  14. I'm literally yelling at the TV for the Jags! 🤣 LET'S GOOOOOO!!!!
  15. Massive opportunity for Jacksonville here - this game is about to get interesting!!
  16. They were close to getting home on that first drive, let's see if that continues. Looked like they were hitting hard too, keep that up for four quarters... Also, maybe stop Kelce (says every team in the NFL).
  17. Yeah, I mean a guy almost died on the field, why show a little class and humility...
  18. Yes, Josh needs to chill, in a “Please Hammer Don’t Hurt ‘Em” kinda way 🤣 You might want to check his win percentage 🤔
  19. And we were having our way with them on offense - had that ball to Bease not been a bit off the mark that game would have been tied when the Hamlin incident happened. But come on, none of us know how that game would have ended.
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