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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Maybe - I'm assuming sales of Donte Whitner jerseys at the Ralph are directly correlated to sales of beer. There's just no other explanation... I'm with the poster that's disappointed by the couples need to sue anyone they think might be able to get them a payday. This seems like a problem with the two drunken fans, not the Bengals. If anything the Bengals would only screw up serving the beer! Also, Oakley doesn't even make $700 - BUSTED!
  2. Yes, Tom Brady is over the hill - he just broke the NFL record for passes without a pick. He's thrown 34 TDs and 4 picks this year. As much as I love Fitz and his Magic Beard, I think I'd take my chances with the "over the hiill" Brady...
  3. Doesn't this happen all the time in football? A player reaches a milestone and it's announced so the fans at least know about it. It's not propaganda, it's just stating facts... Also, if not when fans are in the stadium for the last game of the year, when IS the time and place for the announcement? Today? I guess if it were loud enough Hammer could report the PA announcement to us. o_O
  4. As a Bills fan up in Vermont I appreciate their coverage - definitely a bit of home. As for the coverage, I've heard them call out coaches, players and even the front office. What I like about the coverage is that when Fitz throws a stinker like today, they'll call it out, but not act as if it's the end of the Bills as we know them. Might be just me, but I like a little good with the bad, even when the plane is a about to crash into the mountain...
  5. They always seems to do a good, objective job with both shows. If we lose, they examine why rather than calling for everyone to be fired or cut. Not quite like the sky is falling mentality that seems to rule the messageboards (regardless of outcome). Just curious if I'm the only one out there that likes / appreciates their coverage...
  6. Can't argue with that - especially since my client / friend is a big Jets fan! Note to Chan - when your RB is killing 'em on the ground, keep POUNDING!
  7. I tend to dress as characters that wear comfy clothing and that drink a lot. Hunter S Thompson is another classic - you can get ripping ripped and it's all just "part of the costume"
  8. It was, but meh - a 3 win team against the best team in the league with one of the best QBs ever? Sadly, it could have been worse. Still the number of mistakes was just pain awful. Why we didn't just keep running the ball will forever be a freaking mystery! Please, please, please DRAFT D next year!!! Can we at least get some bonus coverage of the Jest / Bears game!?
  9. Indeed - Halloween a couple years ago. Fun fact, I paid $50 for the robe at TJ Maxx, then returned it the next day for a full refund.
  10. I'm about to switch to caucasians soon! Heitz Dude abides - http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-ash1/v353/138/66/572610048/n572610048_1946378_8986.jpg
  11. To see how he plays, how he fights, how he handles a D that knows he's going to pass every down. Obviously it didn't work out (turnover), but I think he's going to be our starting QB next year and the more he can see of the Pats D, the better - IMO.
  12. I still say those 8 undrafted offensive players didn't give up 34 points. But that's just, like, my opinion man.
  13. I just don't get this - so Broham comes in and lights it up with us down by 8,000. What does that prove? We need a young QB with some potential in Buffalo and judging by the fact that he hasn't had a shot yet, I'm guessing Broham ain't him...
  14. Good point by the announcers - shouldn't Russ Salvatore shoulder some of our pain!? Without him we wouldn't be watching this!
  15. And Donte 20k! Good thing we don't have to pay our contract year players per tackle (though, I'm not sure #20 understands that)
  16. I was just happy that they at least HAD a RB in the backfield So painful to watch every Pats RB get about 6 yards down the field before we make first contact...
  17. How in gods name was that NOT PI!? Seriously the defender was hitting the WR before the ball was even close...
  18. Bob Kraft: One of the greatest QBs ever Ralphie: One pretty good QB and a lot of scrubs (plus a little Fitzbeard this year)
  19. Woodhead really explodes when he gets the ball. Amazing from THIS guy:
  20. Damn the Jets for keeping their game so close and interesting. I would love to at least have a shot at keeping them out of the playoffs. Also, why would anyone want to watch the CBS morning show in 3D? I must be missing something with this 3D trend...
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