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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Just put on Sirius - best coverage I've heard so far...
  2. Yup, first. One of several articles about it: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/669317-nfl-draft-2011-this-weeks-pittsburgh-steelers-news-rumors-and-predictions/entry/66838-nfl-draft-2011-aaron-williams-visited-with-pittsburgh-steelers-today
  3. Not sure if was mentioned but a lot of mocks had Williams going to Pittsburgh. If there was indeed interest by the Steelers, it makes ya wonder about the Whaley influence on the draft...
  4. Hope it's going well - love the first pick!!
  5. Dead classic! Loved the Pats at pick 17: "In the ten minutes it takes to make this selection, Bill Belichick will trade out of this pick, use the extra selections from that transaction to move around the board several times, then trade back into the 17th selection, somehow gaining two 2012 second-rounders and a conditional 2017 seventh in the process. The wives of all six of his trading partners will subsequently report “feeling something, like maybe an arm” reach up their skirts in investigative fashion during this ten-minute sequence."
  6. That's exactly what I'm saying - YOU think it's logical. But just because you and Gaughan think it's possible doesn't make it so. We'll find out eventually, but saying "it will be the richest contract in Bills History" and it means we're moving back in the draft is pure speculation and worry about something we needn't worry about...
  7. It will be the richest contract ever! Or not! Finally some pure nonsensical speculation on TBD...
  8. Thanks (as always) for the update NGU! Interestingly enough on Sirius NFL Radio they were talking about Newton and the Panthers taking him - it's not that the Panthers are 1,000% convinced that he's going to be a franchise QB (though obviously they feel good about the prospect) it's that they can't afford NOT to draft Newton and watch him become a star. I really, really hope he goes #1 overall! My best case scenario would be that Darius falls to us, if not him I say Von Miller. I know many have concerns after "watching the (YouTube) tape", but so many experts have backed the guy there HAS to be something there. If Cam falls to us at 3 we can only pray for a trade down...
  9. It's not like the other two threads are right on the front page o_O
  10. "waaaaaah" - a large collective of fans on TBD...
  11. FWIW, per Twitter CJ is there working out with the boys, or so it would seem from a few tweets I've read...
  12. Not sure about November, but there are 7 teams this season with three game road trips. They just showed a graphic on NFLN as I was reading this
  13. Wow - I'm really looking forward to this! Love the schedule app on BuffaloBills.com, well done. A few immediate thoughts: - Week 2 home opener against the RAIDERS! Ah-mazing. I will be at that game with a crew from VT, guaranteed. - Bummed that there is no prime time games. Guess we have to earn that this year though. - Glad we play a non-conference team in Toronto - I feel like we'll have a good shot in those first half games, we could have a good record going into the bye. Maybe! - Dolphins at Buffalo in December. Proper. - Interesting that we play the Jets twice in 4 weeks with the Dolphins thrown in. That'll be a telling time. - I love, love, love that we close against the Pats in NE. Allow yourself a moment of optimism (or illusion) and just imagine... Overall I really like it. Definitely some games I want to be at and some out of towners I can't wait to see! Now let's get this labor deal done and get the GAME ON!
  14. Yes, yes it is good to see. Would you rather they NOT be working out together? o_O And just to keep on the translation tip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6H0i1RAdHk
  15. "Bags are packed. Headed to AZ in the morning to train with the boys (@StevieJohnson13, @CJSPILLER, @nyce18, @Dajones19, &Fitz) for the week." Stevie added "OMG if I Stayed here with OG Fitz Id Never Wanna Go Bak To Work! #justSayin this is like MJs Neverland Ranch minus "the kids" #RIPMJ GoBills" Glad to hear they're putting in some time! Let's hope this continues until the lock out situation gets fixed...
  16. The Bills won't draft a black QB - only black Olinemen, TE, RB, WR, Dline, LB, Safety, CB (kicker *is* conspicuously absent!). They're racist! Dude, we're not racist, just bad at drafting...
  17. In addition to everything stated in this thread already, I remember Butler talking about McNabb the year before he came out of college saying something to the effect of "if a certain semi-local QB were to come out a year early the Bills would draft him". This is one of the biggest POS pieces of "journalism" I've seen in a long time. But the writer brushes it off with a "well that's just like, my opinion man".
  18. Well there ya go. It was probably just 25 CBs under the Jauron era so I missed out! Who knew? I still stick by my smiley faced sentence though...
  19. WE didn't make a rap about him - his cousin did (and both he and Stevie are in a crew out in Oakland) And come on man, even Jerry Rice dropped balls on occasion. Maybe if they threw to him more than 4 times a year in '08 and '09 he'd be even better!
  20. I love that not only is Stevie catching TDs and bringing a little much needed personality to the team, but he's also getting Buffalo some love in the hop-hop scene!
  21. Did Jauron and crew really bring in 30 prospects? I only remember a few each year, in fact I was just thinking how refreshing it is that Buddy and the boys are bringing in all of the top dogs! Regardless, I trust Buddy / Chan's due diligence more than Russ / Dick's
  22. You really think that they're just straight up making up the numbers? I find that one pretty hard to believe - there has to be *some* basis for them IMO. It's not like it would be a tough thing to measure, they have historical data on season ticket buyers. Also why would they make the numbers up, it's not like they have investors to answer to? If (let's pretend) Russ is doing this to "save face" and it's all a lie, the big boss is still going to know the truth and Russ would be out of a job... I don't think it's necessarily the Toronto games alone that are driving the numbers - certainly the increased visibility can't hurt, but (again IMO) the ancillary marketing to the region must have helped somewhat!
  23. Oh I'm definitely with you there! But this is a 44% growth in the past three years, something had to drive that growth. Tailgating didn't suddenly get better (or did they legalize weed and enact a "Cash for 'Gating" law in Buffalo? , so I'm not convinced that it would drive the numbers that high. I guess I'm just curious because several people in this thread are calling the rationale for the numbers BS. If it's BS, what's the theory behind the growth?
  24. So if not for the Toronto game and increased marketing to the Southern Ontario market, what would you attribute the increase of season tickets in that region to? Clearly something is working and I'm pretty sure it wasn't the product on the field the past 3 years. Maybe it's just that Fitzbeard that they couldn't resist...
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