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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Have there been ANY big splashes in FA yet? No one has even been signed anywhere - maybe we should give it a few hours to play out before freaking out. Or not...
  2. My thoughts and prayers are with you Scott...
  3. Why would he do it? "This is an incredibly exciting opportunity," Carucci said. "You're talking about a franchise with such a rich history and some of the most passionate fans in all of sports. The radio show is an ideal platform to interact with them on a daily basis. The other very attractive part of this job is being able to work with one of the true legends of the game in Mike Holmgren and with the highly talented front-office team that he has put together. Everything about this organization is first class." That and I'm sure money plus the opportunity to do something new...
  4. Professional sports are all about the money - just like every other career! Amazing o_O
  5. Here (duh), Pitchfork, The Berrics, Infendo, Google news, Facebook, follow about 200 on Twitter, we have a cool Intranet at work too that everyone posts on - plus I get to do "research" all day at work too here's a question - what is everyone's work Internet policy? Do a lot of places still block sites? Ours is pretty much "no porn", we definitely get away with lots of YouTube time (both on the site and emailed links of anything deemed classic enough to be emailed)...
  6. True, we don't know how the deal will work out for small market teams, it definitely sounds like they'll be dishing out more loot (spending nearly 100% of cap each year, $27MM in benefits). I wonder how much more that is than current spending? And even the ESPN article is completely speculative: "The higher floor proposal could cause some problems for the lower revenue teams such as the Cincinnati Bengals and the Buffalo Bills. Along with the salary cap, teams have to pay an average of about $27 million a year in benefits." Yup, it could. Or maybe not. One thing's for sure, we'll all find out eventually, one way or another...
  7. So Sully writes a speculative article, several other journalists pick it up and now it's fact? Okaaaaaay... Clearly the road to keeping the Bills in Buffalo isn't a simple one, but the fact remains no one knows what will happen when Ralph goes or what has been talked about behind closed doors. This is like being on a plane and worrying about it crashing the entire flight - if it does, you're dead and all of that worry was for nothing - if it doesn't, you're alive and all of that worry was for nothing...
  8. I remember when they first banned smoking inside the stadium - the first year the ban was enacted, Marlboro still had billboards on both ends of the stadium. Irony.
  9. NOOOOOOOOO - NOT HOOTER HILL TOO!!! Also, ^ lol, good call Tom
  10. For real - you know that kid is going to be mugging to the camera, rather than concentrating on hi j-o-b. Panthers = dooooooooooomed....
  11. Well there you go, I DID read it wrong, or at least the wrong article. Bummer, bro. Still, lets hope that the gears are turning...
  12. I sure hope Burt is right, if nothing else just to point out the type of reporting Florio does. His quote "Actually, the headline says it’s “almost over.” The body of the article, written by Bill Burt, says that the lockout is indeed over." just isn't true. Did I read the article wrong? Seems like a lot of the comments agree... You know, I take it back, I hope he's right so we can get some Buffalo Bills Football ON!
  13. Yup, not sure the NFL will find his porn and weed stash as amusing as I do: http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2010/03/jeffrey_gundlach_loves_bonds_p.html
  14. Marcell is in the house today, working out with the boys: http://t.co/aZYQEG1
  15. First thought - um, can we please start football? NOW!? That was a great watch, I really can't wait to see the impact this guy has on our D! He and Williams are going be a wrecking crew! A few quick thoughts: - He seemed to be the first or second guy in a position to make the tackle on a ton of plays - He can hold and get off of blocks nicely and he handled some of those double teams well - Bull rush, spin move, inside swim, the kid's got moves - He can run in space - Dude's a beast, er, Hulk I really think that Marcell is going to have a huge impact and turn a weakness (D Line, maybe the D as a whole) into a strength!
  16. I read an article about this (or heard it on Sirius, nearly every team is doing the same. Something like four teams weren't doing this... Most of the coaches and staff will get any "missed" pay back once the lockout is over (though there were a couple teams that were not going to pay them back). Sorry I don't have more facts / links, just going by what I remember here at work
  17. Twitter rumors say Maybin showed up looking like a WR: http://www.footballnewsnow.com/2011/report-aaron-maybin-drops-weight-looks-more-like-wide-receiver/#.TdrrQuYsPNs Of course, without a source I take it all with a grain of salt. Seems strange to say "when he recently showed up" - recently, like, this morning? I'm just happy to hear so many guys were there, building a little chemistry, getting some work done!
  18. Not sure if you guys check the Da'Norris Searcy thread, but there was a Johnny White mention in the article that was linked: "Can you tell us something about Da’Norris that isn’t available in his bio or that a lot of people wouldn’t know about him? I think just as I said, community is very important to him. His teammates are very important to him. He and Johnny White (RB) are very, very close friends so the fact that they are going to Buffalo together… and they are both similar in what I described to you a moment ago. They are both positive members of a team. They are both the kind of people you want in the locker room with you whether you are a player or whether you are a coach." Sounds good to me - you really gotta like this draft class. So far at least...
  19. - What are you up to with the lock out on? Talked about camp Fitz, just working out, running routes, trying to stay in shape - You're a west coast guy, whats it like being in Buffalo? Its not hard, just appreciates the opportunity to be playing. Only thing he doesn't like is the weather - he hates the cold, but said it's a great city. - You had a great year. Asked if the Pittsburgh drop bothered him? Only thing that bothers him is still getting asked about it. It happened, he gets that fans are disappointed. It all comes with the territory. Talked about how Chris Jenkins in the Bills PR department helped him through that. - Asked about Easley. Marcus is a "bully" - he's huge! Looks like a bouncer on the field. He came in with raw talent, did things in a basic way. After a year of sitting and watching, he came out to AZ and was a total different route runner. Fluid, had a little erk and jerk and was at top speed. - Do you see buffalo as an ascending team with a bunch of young guys on the same page? Yeah, no doubt, 100%. We've had tough years, but we have guys that are all in, ready to put it together for the Bills. Talked about the importance of Gailey and staff wanting to be there. - How about Fitz? He's our general. He's not only a great player, but also a great person - brings everyone together, jokes, he's a friend. He can be that guy for Buffalo - he IS that guy! - How about draft class? Lots of talent player all the way through the class. Mentioned Jasper. Saw Jasper on tape and said he can move! We got a lot of guys that are good players on the field, but they're also emotional - they will bring energy, wake up the fans and wake up the competition. Those were the big highlights. Stevie always does a great job with interviews - the guy's popularity is going to explode this year. Eventually...
  20. I hear he's going to be talking about the 30% of the Bills he bought last year. I'll try to recap...
  21. We're drafting to replace an old regimes FA's, clearly Nix and the boys think that Whitner and Florence AREN'T good enough! We got bigger and younger on D with guys that fit the mold of this regime...
  22. Lot of info in this article: http://www.bloggingtheboys.com/2011/4/15/2112911/dallas-cowboys-draft-prospects-danorris-searcy
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