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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Finally - now that he's under contract can we trade the guy? We need more mid-round picks in next years draft... Despite all of the frustrations, this one makes me want to Shout! Let's Go Buffalo!!
  2. Totally agree - it sounds to me like the Falcons were offering less, Buffalo made a final offer (I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same deal he ended up getting from ATL), he went back and gave ATL one last chance to meet it, they did, he signed back with "his team". If we were way out of the ballpark this would have been over before it started...
  3. My question is this - while I know that RT was a weak spot on the line last year, is our line somehow much *worse* because we lost out on Clabo? He would have solidified that RT spot, but if we can get someone to play at least adequate should (hopefully) improve in year 2 of Chan's system... Should be interesting to see what Wood brings to the C position too. Thoughts? Look a whole post not talking about contract terms for a guys we didn't sign...
  4. Hope someone is transcribing his whole interview on Sirius right now... Wow - I'm impressed. When asked why he wanted to come to Buffalo he said "It was about being part of something bigger than myself. About taking ownership of something. This guy definitely is buying into Chan and Buddy's philosophy!
  5. Totally agree - must mean that we're all in for Clabo for us to not try and beat that offer. Either that or the boys are sitting at OBD thinking "Oh snap and we were going to offer that guy $8 mil a year for 4 years, good thing we didn't!" ______________________ A couple more twitter posts from "NFL Draft Update" (whoever that is) @nfldraftupdate: A report that free agent OT Clabo chooses #Bills. #ATL offered more money & will not change stance. Update to come Then that was erased and they posted this: Source on the Tyson Clabo to #Bills agreement is a little murky, but monitor the situation. Sounds like their source is TBD!
  6. It was a much longer conversation and Pat Kirwan just gave him props for the statement (like, literally, right now). Why to you think it's ridiculous? Makes sense to me - if you're a sold team, you want to have your roster as set as possible before training camp. If you're a young, building team like the Bills you're going to need to shuffle some guys in to get as good as possible before the season starts...
  7. Steelers just got the Colon deal done - 5 years, $29 million, per Adam Caplan FWIW
  8. Tuned in a few minutes late, but my notes: - CG on Installing Plays in this short time: Because of lock out installation schedule in preseason is going to be a little different. We'll be covering unique situation and special plays up until the first reg season game. - CG on Tyler Thigpen / Brad Smith: Can talk about them till Saturday! I had Tyler, he did a good job for us (in KC), good upside. The deal is good because we have Fitz - he was good last year and I think he's going to take another step this year. - CG on Drayton signing: Can't talk about guys that haven't signed on the dotted line! We've got three good corners that can play the game... - CG on only having 14 padded practices: Staff sat down and worked out scenarios - do you go two a week at first, or once a week? You have to get a feel for your team, where they are and what they need. If we need to work on blocks the first couple weeks, we might need to go two a week at first. Need to have 11 padded practices in the first 11 weeks, however you want to do it (one a week, two a week, etc). - CG Merriman: He's about to explode. He was there first day, in the meetings, chomping at the bit. If his health can stay there, he'll have a big year for us. - CG Maybin: The balls in his court, he's got to go do it, or he's not going to play. Some of it's conditioning (weight and strength) to play an entire game and season. Needs to work on techniques to be a consistent pass rusher, he's shown flashes... - CG on CJ Spiller: Told him he needs to work on pass protection and holding on to the ball. Chan needs to design more plays for him. - CG on the team and FA acquisitions: If you're a solid football team, you don't like to have guys dribbling in through FA. If you're an evolving team, you might need to take a chance on guys. - CG on young weapons: Roscoe was having a great year, until he got hurt, he's in great shape, Chan is excited. Donald Jones and David Nelson had good years last year. Marcus Easley we all had high hopes for him before he got hurt. We have a lot of good players and not enough roster spots. Kirwan and Tim Ryan then went on to call Chan a top 5 Offensive mind in the game and said that Buffalo is luck to have him! Can we please get this season going!?!
  9. Love the Queen City Sports quote "From multiple news sources around the league" After that it should read "of which none have posted a story or link - just us" Okaaaaaay... Still sounds like we're close - I Billeve!
  10. As Kenny Powers would say "I'm fu..." er, nevermind...
  11. For those that love Twitter, follow Brad @RealBradSmith
  12. At least if he's on the Bills he can't keep killing us! Good article from Pro Football NYC (ok, not exactly a mainstream media outlet, but still): http://www.profootballnyc.com/2011/07/jets-bracing-for-life-without-brad.html Gotta like "Those who shrug off Smith’s imminent exit are only making themselves feel better when they say that Smith’s departure will be “no big loss.” It will be a tremendous loss. Smith changes momentum. Makes enormous game changing and even season changing plays. When least expected."
  13. According to Schefter, it's a done deal: "Last hurdle to a trade between Saints and Dolphins was cleared when RB Reggie Bush reached agreement on a new 2-year contract with Miami."
  14. Seems strange that we haven't even heard any mentions of Whitner getting any looks. I thought that Cleveland would have swooped him up by now - I'm sure their fans are screaming FAILURE right about now too! Interesting too that Weddle got a 5 year deal for $40MM, wonder what that'll do for Donte's value? They have comparable numbers over their careers... I'm just curious, I don't think the Bills should try and resign him, unless it's a really friendly number.
  15. CB Drayton Florence to the Bills -- 3 years for $15 million. - Adam Schefter
  16. Straight from Drayton's (Twitter) Mouth: "It's official I'm back buffalo see ya at fisher!!!!"
  17. A note from AP Jags writer Mark Long on Twitter: "Just spoke to #Jaguars LB Paul Posluszny. He says chance to get back into 4-3 defense was too good of an opportunity to pass up. #Bills" There you go. It's all about money, until it's not...
  18. From what I've read though, the Bills were offering 4 years, the Jags 6, which would (by my math) make the money different. Plus Paul wanted to be in the 4-3, so he wasn't going to resign here regardless...
  19. Schein and Rich Gannon just got a call about Poz on Sirius - they said the bottom line was Poz wanted to play MLB in a 4-3 and that's why he's gone. They also said that the staff wants to get bigger up front on the D. Interestingly they didn't trash the Bills for not re-signing the guy, just made it sound like it is, what it is...
  20. List of available FA LB's out there: http://www.kffl.com/static/nfl/features/freeagents/fa.php?option=LB&y=2011
  21. If there's one thing we DON'T need to worry about it's that Bills fans will find something to B word about
  22. I'm shocked to say this, but Merriman put it best on Twitter: "Paul Posluszny was a damn good player & could have used him but this is a business people move forward" And then there's this: "We lost Poz to the Jags. It's time to give a call to your boys in SD (Cooper, Siler and Burnett) and get them to Buffalo." Amen on both accounts...
  23. You're continued anti Nix and Gailey rants are getting old. The record might not have reflected it, but if you don't think last years team effort was one of the best we've seen in years, you're not watching the same Bills team as most of us...
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