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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. For sure - gotta love the fire and leadership he showed in that clip. Guess we'll see how he performs on the field soon enough...
  2. An article about running base O and D: http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/article529735.ece "Gailey said his coaches intentionally used base schemes, almost no blitzes on defense, no extra help for pass blockers to account for the strengths of the Denver personnel." I haven't watched the tape yet, so no comments from me, just wanted everyone to have the article to reference...
  3. I did too - didn't even make it up on the chat, so I guess they're waiting for truth to come out. Imagine that...
  4. Exactly - he would have been arrested on the spot, they wouldn't just wait a few weeks to bring a case. I've seen cars ripped apart and people handcuffed for suspicion of contraband at the boarder...
  5. This Just In, "Ralph Wilson Is Cheap!" MORE AT 11:00!!
  6. At least we're getting to see these young guys - better than ending up like in a situation like Stevie, a talented WR with 12 catches in his first two years!
  7. I know everyone is hot on Stinchcomb, but maybe this helps explain why he hasn't signed yet: http://buzztap.com/link.jsp?id=5773992&cid=32&source=feed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed Let us pray he has a miracle recovery and we sign him...
  8. I loved them too - the Red and Blue really popped on TV against the white... A few features that I'm not completely in love with (but will live with: - The stripe getting bigger as it goes toward the back of the helmet; the only stripe was old-school and balanced - The extra logo on the back of the unis and on the hips; I love the charging Buffalo as much as anyone, but do we really need 400 logos in every shot (maybe this is the agency guy in me - clients always want bigger / more logos) Overall though, they're really sharp and about 4,000 times better than the last unis!!
  9. Chan did say on Sirius last week that he will put the best 5 guys on the field and that the Wood at center plan could change if he feels that we need Hang and center and Wood at RG. He said something about those guys already knowing how to play those spots, so if we need to move them before the season starts they should be able to jump in a roll with it... Right now it seems like we might, but I'm willing to give 'em a couple more pre-season games to figure it out.
  10. Hammer, your lot was how I explained the Evans trade to my girlfriend - "Remember? The RV in Hammer's Lot? The dude in the Masseratti? You met his dad?" "Noooooooooo, not him!" She's not happy with the deal either... Gotta say though, Pinto Kenny is a hell of a replacement!
  11. Yeah, it'll be cut to a :30, this one is the extended version for the web and for Skate Park Finals at the Dew Tour broadcast on NBC Saturday. Their battle is with those steps
  12. I helped work on this one and now that it's FINALLY live (after a stressful few weeks) I had to share with my Bills brethren. It's a little homage to old Kung-Fu flicks staring our pro skaters, filmed mostly in LA's Chinatown. Enjoy! (I hope) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAEyvF4ZHwk And now that it's out there in the wild
  13. Jaimie Dukes, Joe Theismann and Marshall Faulk should be forced to fight to the death. Against a great white shark.
  14. I'm confused - does it really take people a long time to leave The Ralph? If so, you're doing it wrong or you haven't been to enough major events in larger cities... Also, the entering from the south side to park on the South side / Enter on the North to park on the North, isn't a huge deal for those from WNY, but that could be really confusing for out-of-towners. "I want to park at Hammer's Lot, but I got off on Mile Strip" - sorry, bro you need to take the longer loop down Mile Strip around the ECC campus and back up Big Tree.
  15. Thanks for the scoop guys - I knew there was another thread but it wasn't coming up on the search... So, Info, how did the RV adventure turn out? Anything we should look out for? Any tips on parking?
  16. Just wondering if anyone has any experience camping in an RV at The Ralph for a game day weekend? Looks like a few of us are in for opening day and despite having been to a ton of Bills games, I've never stayed in an RV. Does anyone have any good or bad stories? Things to watch out for? Can we park a car and an RV? Lot hours / days? Also (Jack, I'm looking at you) does anyone know where I can find the full scoop on policies / parking? All I see are a couple sentences here, but nothing of much substance: http://www.buffalobills.com/tickets/stadium/parking-lots.html Thanks crew, looking forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks!
  17. I'm going to stop by for a bit, but looks like we're going to get an RV and spend a few days in the Ralph lot Should be a fun one - can't wait to see everyone and to get this season ON!!
  18. Just caught this on Twitter: "Miami Herald's Barry Jackson reports Vernon Carey has indeed been asked to take a pay cut and is mulling his options today."
  19. I wonder if he's at practice today? BTW, here's the Finheaven thread (play nice): http://www.finheaven.com/forums/showthread.php?301991-Vernon-Carey-is-not-at-practice And an article from today: http://www.palmbeachpost.com/sports/dolphins/questions-surround-miami-dolphins-right-tackle-vernon-careys-1684438.html?cxtype=rss_dolphins Hmmmmm... Bad knees or not, seems like this guy could really help our line!
  20. It's interesting that Clayton said this, on Sirius (of course it was a couple days ago) they said teams did have to get to the ceiling, but not until the middle of the season. So for example a team could get through this FA season, mini-camp and a few weeks in decide to resign their young players that they want to keep around... Hopefully we'll re-up on Stevie, Kyle and Fitz at some point this year! Not sure what the real deal is, but it's food for thought.
  21. What's strange is that I bet they're confusing him with Fitz - HE'S the "beard grower extraordinaire". Man, we're really, really under the radar these days... o_O
  22. I would add that it sounds like Clabo gave the Falcons the last chance to match the offer. If we *knew* they were going to make it $25m for 5 years and we had a chance to match perhaps we would have. But that ain't what happened. Ces't la vie...
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