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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. IR seems like a pretty harsh punishment (even for eating too many wings) - he can't even practice with the team. Bummer for him and us...
  2. Our D gave up the third fewest yards this week (so far) - I'll take that every game!
  3. Just an FYI - there's a difference between the marketing guys and the merchandising guys. Just want to make sure that Crayonz nonsensical ire was directed at the right people...
  4. Is there anything we have to do to get this refund? Definitely want to make sure I get at least something back for that debacle...
  5. The PS3 service failed around the county - just check @directtv on Twitter...
  6. Twitter is blowing up about it - there are some pretty entertaining tweets being lobbed @dircttv I'm sure we'll get SOME sort of refund!
  7. Glad to know it's not just me - keeps skipping back to the 9/11 pre-game. The quality is up and down, sometimes good, sometimes no.
  8. Ha - now that we're to game time, it is choppy. Guess we'll just have to see how it goes..
  9. The stream is on - looks good (maybe not HD, but it looks crisp right now) and doesn't seem to be lagging or choppy. I had to pick up a PS3 this weekend to make it happen, but totally worth it. So nice to be able to watch in the comfort of my own living room! Plus Madden seems pretty cool... Let's Go Buffalo!!
  10. You're welcome for the notes - what can I say, hard at work today! Everytime I hear Chan speak, I have nothing but optimism for the Bills. It may not always be exactly what I want to hear, but the guy is honest, if nothing... It was funny, some of his answers were so straight-forward (like "did you accomplish everything in the offseason?" "No") that Schein busted out laughing several times. Can we FF time to Sunday??
  11. Chan was just on with Adam Schein and Rich Gannon, my notes: RG: Do you feel like you accomplished everything you want in preseason? - Never. You do the best you can and hope you're where you need to be for the opener. We're behind in a few areas, but ahead in others. - Ahead in personnel, behind in the little things - squib kick on a kickoff, returners handing or not handling the ball, etc. RG: You have DeHaven one of the best special teams coaches, but there hasn't been much learning time (because of lock out), does that affect you? - We're concerned about the young guys on the kick team, they just haven't done it in an NFL game. We're going to have young guys and you hope they can execute without all of the normal reps - It was interesting, almost all of our injuries this year were with rookies, they just didn't know standard NFL prep AS: Why did you trade Lee Evans - Anytime you look, you're trying to upgrade. To say that Lee wasn't good would be a lie - he was. But someone made us an offer and we feel we have young players we can depend on. We looked long term rather than just this year. AS: Who will step up at WR this year? - I think it's going to be the entire group. SJ had a break-out last year, Roscoe can plan well (needs to make it through a whole season), Nelson played well and Jones can be a good player long-term too. RG: CJ Spiller, where has he improved and what's his role? - His role is specialty plays for now, until he really gets blocking down (it's improved, but not quite there) AS: what's your comfort level with the O line in week one? - I feel good, we're better than we were at the end of last season. We're more solid and physical. RG: you open with the top two running teams how do you stop them? - That's our number one priority going into this year solidifying the Run D. Need to stop the run or we won't win. It's going to be a challenge - keep them off the edge, don't leave them one on one. AS: Is playing KC personal? - It's not personal against Haily, but because he was fired by KC, there's a little more motivation RG: Crowd noise at arrowhead is tough, what have you done to prepare? - Practiced with noise, worked on silent count AS: Brad Smith is a winner, great guy, how will you use him? - wildcat, receiver, reverses, play special teams, kick off return, fake punts. He's a big asset for our team, RG: Dareus, where has he improved since the draft? - Knowledge of the game. He's smart, but being in the film room with Kyle and Dwan has helped him learn more about the tame. He's physically talented. AS: How does Fitz take a step forward and solidity the QB for now and the future - Hes got accuracy, knowledge, good arm (not the best), need to get rid of the bad throws - ball slipped, wrong angle coming out, threw off back foot, if he makes those not over the head, he'll / we'll be just fine RG: You evaluated scheme and personal, what do you do for ball security? - Protect the passer. A lot of turnovers cam in the last couple games. Need to get better. AS: Where is the organization in such a tough division? Moves have been questioned, where are the Bills going into 2012? - That's why we play the games. We can speculate, I can tell you we'll be undefeated, you say we'll win 4 - that's the beauty of Sunday. We strive to be perfect, but that can't always be the case. We just need to be the best that day, beat your man. RG: Merriman and Barnett - what do you expect? - I expect big thing, they've looked good preseason and practice and I'm excited!
  12. FWIW, Chan is going to be on Sirius right now and they're going to ask about the Lee trade. Though, clearly, everyone here already knows what the real deal is - one way or another...
  13. Are you familiar with the Buffalo Bills career of Eric Moulds? At the end of two years he would have been run out-of-town, but I guess there was no Internet back then...
  14. Exactly - did anyone even read the link? "Buffalo traded proposals with receiver Steve Johnson, but those sides are nowhere near a deal at this point, sources said." That's how contracts work (and yes, I negotiate athlete contracts on occasion) - you say "we offer this" and they say "ohhhhh, noooooo, we want THIS". You go back and forth and meet somewhere in the middle... It's not a first round contract negotiation bust yet. Let's give it a few (several?) weeks and see where we are before we write Stevie's contract off.
  15. Seriously - can't we give guys more than one year before we call them failures or label them busts? I just don't get it I guess...
  16. Funny, because it's such a short piece of a 10 minute conversation. http://www.buffalobills.com/media-center/videos/Chan-Gailey-Wednesday-Press-Conference/96c7b53f-d3ab-4217-a90b-a922f80631c0#?id=96c7b53f-d3ab-4217-a90b-a922f80631c0 I don't understand how people can't like and respect Chan (and Fitz too)... No clue what our record will be, but I think we'll open some eyes! Is it Sunday yet??
  17. I'll be running the new Fitz jersey this year - lets hope it helps!
  18. A good list of available Offensive Free Agents, per Adam Caplan: http://thesidelineview.com/columns/nfl/best-free-agents-available-offense
  19. Did you try the Internet? NFL.com has great stats: http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/2011082751/2011/PRE3/jaguars@bills
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