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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. I'm going to be out in Vegas this weekend for the game - can't wait to proudly stroll around in the #14!
  2. What if Chad Kelly IS Never Give Up!?! Get me Mulder and Scully on the line...
  3. Seems like his Twitter account is gone - just searched for it multiple ways and Twitter is saying it doesn't exist...
  4. True we are 27 in Total D (right in front of Green Bay, oddly enough) looking at total yards. However taking a look at the ever important (some would argue more important) stat of points per game, or even total points given up this year we're ranked 16th. I don't think we're *good*, but I don't think we're terrible either... We're going to need to see a pass rush eventually - can't keep giving QB's time to throw at McLovin!
  5. Brought a tear to my eye - guess I know who's giant RV we were drooling over at the Raiders game That small town feel and accessibility is right on the money. On the Saturday of the Raiders game I was in the Bills store and saw a guy walk in I recognized, I thought "Where do I know him from - home? School?" Ah, no, that would be Andre Reed... Long live Buffalo, the Ralph and the Bills baby!
  6. Fortunately since so many have jumped (been thrown? thrown themselves?) off, there is plenty of room for EVERYONE to climb back on! Let's Go Buffalo!!
  7. Let us hope that the curse was in, and thrown out with, our last god awful unis... And PLEASE in 10, 15, 20 years may we not "throwback" to the 2010's!
  8. I thought it was something like "Yeah, big son" too (though I took it to be "son" rather than "sun", more of a hip-hop context, like "damn, son!"). I also LOVED Chan telling everyone that we haven't done a thing yet and that there are more games to focus on. That entire scene gave me chills - so good to have a Bills team that is, at VERY least, competent!
  9. NE has the late game, yet we get Pitt / Houston in Vermont for the early game? Good thing I got that PS3 Direct TV deal...
  10. "As TMQ noted last week, if Buffalo and Detroit met in the Super Bowl, "One of them would have to win -- I think. Sunday, Detroit overcame a 20-0 halftime deficit on the road. In consecutive weeks, Buffalo has overcome deficits of 21-3 and 21-0. Projecting this out, if Buffalo and Detroit met in the Super Bowl, the halftime score will be 0-0 and the final score will be 93-92 in overtime." Classic...
  11. NFL.com has Cinci as #3 overall in D - #5 against the pass, #7 against the run. Certainly isn't going to be a cakewalk...
  12. Good article, though it does ignore the history that Chan has in the spread offense (maybe someone should explain that to the Pats fan in the comments)... Still, It's nice to see the Bills on the "innovative" end of things for once, who would have thought THAT when Chan was hired? Can we find that thread doubting Chan's ability to design an offense?
  13. And people thought our O line was bad? Dallas' center is struggling...
  14. I've seen a few posts about Stevie songs, but this is the first mixtape I've seen featuring him: http://www.datpiff.com/SJ13-Stevie-Johnson-G5Gi-Why-So-Serious-mixtape.263008.html Right now, I give it two "mehs", but enjoy...
  15. I highly doubt it and we wouldn't deserve it, yet. The Chiefs suck and we beat the Raiders, but that could have easily gone the other way. If we beat the Pats everyone will be forced to take us seriously though! The real question is what happens to all of the people that said we would only win 2 games all year? I mean if we win our first 3 some heads might explode!
  16. Theft of services, how so? I moved my car before I was supposed to be charged, yet they're trying to charge me 45 minutes early... I'd be fine with paying had my car actually been in that lot past 8 (and the lot guy told me 8pm - was he mistaken and meant 8am?). Oh well, guess it's just me, I'll give them a buzz to try and sort it. I'd love to be back in that RV lot again this weekend - I'm sure OP is going to be rocking this weekend!
  17. Sorry for the semi-off-topic, but I was at the game last week and paid to park in the stadium lot on Saturday (I was in the RV lot for the weekend). I was told that if my car was left in the lot after 8:00 on Sunday I would have to pay an additional $25. When I went to move my car at about 7:15pm on Sunday I found that it already had a parking "ticket" on it saying my license was recorded and that I need to mail in payment "to clear my record" (whatever that means). Has anyone run into this before? Should I call and argue it? Should I just ignore and take their threats as just that?
  18. They've been talking abo9ut Curry every now and again on Sirius - sounds like the guy is just bad, or just not cutting in the NFL (which, despite our beliefs here, happens on occasion). Last night they did say that someone will take a risk and trade for him... Let's hope it's NOT us.
  19. All I got was a minor pat down - nothing that they haven't done in the past. Who cares - it all adds like 3 seconds and will, hopefully, keep people safe...
  20. from the Bills Twitter feed: "#Bills 2day promoted WR Naaman Roosevelt 2 the 53-man roster from the practice squad. WR Roscoe Parrish has been placed on Injured Reserve." Good for Naaman, bummer for 'scoe
  21. A giant thanks to the entire TBD tailgate crew - what a great time, a great game and an amazing weekend!
  22. Instant classic parody thread - well done sir.
  23. I'm pretty excited - a crew of friends and I are staying in an RV this year for the opener, should be a fun scene. I'll post a post-game report As for the original poster, I think the thread nailed it - park in Hammer's Lot, find The Pinto, eat, drink and be merry! It's definitely a treat... Let's Go Buffalo!!!
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