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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. I'm sorry, but the fact that you're an actual expert on the subject automatically disqualifies you from talking about said subject on Two Bills Drive. We take our history of half-quoted stories, conspiracy theories and nonsensical viewpoints very seriously around these parts!
  2. Did anyone see Jim Irsay's response to Lowe? "My sources tell me Rob will star in an epic remake of "Deep Throat" with aging porn stars and 4 finger circus clowns!" Guy seems like a lot of fun for an NFL owner - http://twitter.com/jimirsay Bet Ralph would never say something like that on Twitter!
  3. Bummer - I loved streaming the pre-game the past few years, it was a little bit of Buffalo before watching the show on Sunday Ticket...
  4. What in gods name does a statement like this even mean? Trying to convince yourself to come back as a fan?? What's your alternative, become a Jets fan? If you have to contemplate "coming back as a fan" you never were one...
  5. How many first downs can you have called back because of holding??
  6. This could be the smartest thing ever said on TBD. /close thread, shut down TBD.
  7. I go back to '96 - that home playoff loss to the Jags, which led to Kelly retiring and the Bills 75 year search to replace him. I had great seats for that game and the weather was nice too, who knew how far down we would spiral...
  8. Gucci, Gucci. Louie, Louie. Fendi, Fendi. Prada.
  9. Man, can you start more threads about the Bills inability to make the playoffs the past 10 years? I was going to start a thread called "A Losing Tradition - MacAddict104's 10 year whining process", but figured the board doesn't need yet another nonsensical thread about something that is obvious to everyone.
  10. Wow, I saw that. Brick killed a guy with a trident...
  11. Just speaking for myself, I think it's been a great season - yes we're in a bit of a tailspin, but we didn't give up last week and this team has been FUN to watch again. I'm going to go to games, buy gear and watch every game regardless (like say the last 10 years), but for the first time in a long time it looks to me as if we actually have a professional football team in Buffalo! By the mentality on this board only one team's fans can be happy each year. Looks like Green Bay is going to get the pleasure two years in a row...
  12. I hear he was at a secret, underground chicken wing eating contest (First rule of Wing Club...) and ate some super spicy wings that made him sick! Might keep him out all year... My friends, bro's, cousin was there and said he's going to tweet the YouTube video to Facebook and blow the lid off this WHOLE THING! To Stevie!!
  13. Oh snap, I missed it - did the world end or anything?
  14. Note to Bills players - quit wearing pink, brown or black gloves and wear white or like fluorescent yellow so you can clearly tell your hand is under the ball!
  15. lol - The Truth Is out There man... Well said all-around.
  16. This is your move - I stayed in the RV / camper lot for the opener, it was a blast! It's $50 for the weekend and the lot opens on Saturday. They even have a clean bathroom with showers. RVs were still coming into the lot Sunday morning, but it did eventually fill up. We stayed until Monday morning, but it seemed that a lot people left Sunday night. Like I said, totally worth it and a great experience. Grab a beer, wander around and make some new Buffalo Bills loving friends...
  17. FWIW, Chris Brown said the same thing on the 97 Rock pregame show. Except he doesn't believe the Bills will franchise SJ. He said the sides talked before the season, they were far apart, they have no plans to talk. Brown said that he felt there was no way they would franchise him, but he didn't make it clear if he felt they would just let him walk either. Let's just hope they get some of these deals done before the end of the season, especially SJ, we need his #swag!
  18. I hear he had 4 sacks - 4 SACKS AS A TE END! Dammmmmmmn yoooooooou Buddddddddy Niiiiiiiiix!!
  19. Let's all cry! Or just move on with what we have...
  20. The real question is - did you wear a Bills jersey on gameday? I know you don't want to be the guy that everyone looks at and says "What the hell? That team isn't playing here this week. Wait, that team isn't playing AT ALL this week!" But it still seems too tempting not too I'd love to go check out some games in other stadiums, in a dream world, I'd grab an RV take 16 weeks off and just travel with the Bills!
  21. Pay the man! I think fans would even pitch in on that one!!
  22. No John, people here have never heard it, therefore it does not exist. Clearly you haven't spend enough time on TBD to know how things here work. Or, *I* haven't seen you spending enough time for you to know how things work, therefore you haven't and don't.
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