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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Not sure if anyone saw this, but a 10,000 page $27 million dollar impact study on the downtown LA stadium was released yesterday. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-stadium-eir-20120406,0,710475.story The AEG group seems to think that nearly 20% of game attendees would take public transport to the games (27% on weekday games). Even with the proposed public transport improvements and the education and incentives that still seems really high for a city that loves it's cars. NPR yesterday cited a study that shows only 3% - 5% take public transportation to Lakers games! I've been to enough events down at Staples to know that the confluence of the 10 and 110 is always a mess during event time. And just look at the HOV lanes on any LA area highway and you'll get an idea of how much people like car pool. Not to mention that PSLs and ticket prices in LA will probably be outrageous - I can just see a studio head rolling to the game on the subway Regardless, it's an interesting fight to watch...
  2. I haven't read anything but Tim and Pat on Sirius just said they're reading reports that the way the deal is structured, it's basically a one year deal that the Eagles can easily get out of... I'm sure someone will post a link before too long!
  3. Why? Did Woodson NOT score low on the Wonderlic, then go on to be a Hall of Fame player, proving (at least in his case) that the low score predicted nothing about how he was going to play in the NFL? Or because of my incorrect use of "an"?
  4. Jim Miller just told a story about how Ralph Wilson didn't want to draft Rod Woodson back in the day because of his poor Wonderlic test score. We passed and the Steelers drafted him - I think Rod's career turned out OK (and we got Shane Conlan who went on to be a Pro Bowler, but not a Hall Of Famer). Point being, a low Wonderlic score doesn't really have jack to do with how a player will perform in the NFL...
  5. Let me add the obligatory "DOOOOOOOOOMED!" to this thread...
  6. Did anyone point out that the Nike jerseys that you can buy (in 10 days) are up on their site? http://store.nike.com/us/en_us/?l=shop,buffalo_bills I'm in... And 808, I have actually seen pre-production renderings of Nike gear and I'm with Blanco_Diablo, it's pretty obvious that these are fakes not put out by Nike.
  7. I'm with ya - as I mentioned pages ago, I hated the collar on last year's Reebok jersey, it looked like I was wearing a deep V T-shirt. Not a good look in Football Here's a cool interactive overview of all of the tech in the new unis: http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nfl/story/2012-04-03/nike-new-uniform-design/53982596/1
  8. No, really: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Nike+Flywire+jersey+collar First news link, TBO.com about the Bucs has a good overview: Most of the uniform changes relate to the construction and materials used, rather than individual team designs. Included is a "Flywire" collar used in the Nike Pro Combat line by several college football teams. "Designed and engineered from the inside out, the new uniform focuses on creating a system where the baselayer, padding, jersey and pant work in concert," Nike claims in press releases announcing the new Elite 51 line. Not all NFL franchises embraced the new technology. Nine teams chose not to adopt the Flywire collar, which Nike claims provides a "lockdown" seal with shoulder pads, and five teams decided not to use the "uniform system" at all.
  9. $70 is a lot, but "pretty damn close" ain't authentic. You don't do all of your shopping on Canal St. do you? I mean, I suppose you could run the DHGate jersey with your Niike shoes, Oakeley glasses and drive around in your Fard Truck, but why would you?
  10. I'm surprised so many dislike the new collars - that was my LEAST favorite part of the "new" Reebok jerseys. My Fitz jersey looks like I'm wearing an American Apparel deep V-Neck T, not good look in an NFL jersey (of course, I'm sure they were designed that way to sit on the pads). Overall I like 'em - when can I get my Mario jersey!?
  11. ^ Ha sorry, totally what I meant to say, 4-3, not 3-4
  12. I was listening too - great interview! It's clear that the Bills players and those in the organization have a ton of pride and expect big things this year! It was obvious listening that Morrison is a smart guy, and will definitely be an asset to our D. He understands more than just his position. Nice to hear too that he's "a 3-4 guy" who "grew up in the 3-4" - let's hope with the killer line in front of him that he's able to step up this year...
  13. FWIW various announcers on Sirius have also said they expect Tanne to go in the top 10, potentially the top 5. In a dream scenario the Fins will give up way too much to move up to pick three and take Tanne who will wash out after year one and turn out NOT to be a Franchise QB I have no opinion either way, just hoping that someone takes him above 10 so another impact player falls to us...
  14. Finally a thread about the Bills trading up... o_O
  15. Well said all around Kelly... Not to mention that if we draft Tannehill and Fitz *does* start taking us to the playoffs (and beyond..?), all it would take is one good showing from Tanne in a season game to have some great trade bait. And if Fitz can't get it done, we have a young prospect at QB that can step in. If Buddy and Chan think he's the guy, they'll take him.
  16. Mario seems pretty stoked on the Bills to me... http://t.co/9EOrYJso
  17. Where do we go? Nowhere - we've won the off-season, shut the league down!
  18. They got in just in time to hit the Early Bird special and before Buddy's 8pm bedtime! This is the most fun free agency day we've had in yeaaaaaars...
  19. SDS had better get some backup server capacity from freaking NASA or Google or something! If Mario signs the Interweb gears will grind to a halt...
  20. Meh, he'll probably be in the car driving 35mph to the early bird dinner special with Ralph. They're BOTH cheap! I kid, I kid. The best part about it is that it's 1:30am in Cali and I'm still working, I'll probably be waking up around 4:30pm EST...
  21. Not sure if anyone listened to the Nix interview this AM on Buffalo radio, but a Tweet (Retweeted by the Bills) said "Nix on stevie: always optimistic as long as 2 sides talking. have talked with agent since combine. franchise tag is an option" Good to know they've talked at the combine and SINCE the combine. Last week the speculation was that the deal would get done this week, let's hope its close...
  22. Could all the injuries be due the fact that pro football features some of the biggest, fastest athletes in the world running into each other with as much force as possible?
  23. OG TBD Troll - guy practically *invented* the practice...
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