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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Throwing a red flag can't benefit a team!? Then why throw it? Illegal flag, that's a new one...
  2. Wow, awful call - confused on that one...
  3. Here's to hoping we someday have our own "Avoid Lloyd" saying around Buffalo.
  4. Another reason to stay home? Two guys badly assaulted after Thursday's game: http://www.wivb.com/dpp/news/erie/fans-viciously-assaulted-at-bills-game
  5. He then went on to trash all Bills fans - he was like Super-Sully before Sully was so sullen... You did have to laugh at The Coach's endless rants about Gregg Williams; "Well GreeeEEEEEeeeegg didn't have his players ready."
  6. One thing is for sure, both Bradford and Fitz should rely on their RBs more. The Rams seem to love to pass on 3rd and short too...
  7. Few big plays ther by the Rams! Exactly HOW did the Jets beat us so badly - they look awful as of late...
  8. Totally agree - sure seems nice to see The Ralph on prime time TV! You forgot the quotes in there, should be "controlled" bonfires I have a good feeling about tonight. The team knows what they're up against. They hung with the Pats last week. CJ in Prime Time. The OG 12th Man in prime time (people are gonna be fired up tonight!). Let's hope the D steps up this week! It's time to get on a roll, or call the season: Buffalo 30ish Miami 20ish
  9. They ran this as an online vote around the election - I wonder what helmet we'll be rocking? They asked standing Buffalo or charging Buffalo...
  10. Obama is going to take our guns and kill our elderly! Still! Eventually! Probably!
  11. Well, for the record Bill Clinton was dubbed our first black President, so that explains his getting over 80%...
  12. For the record, African American vote percentages from several past elections: 1984 Walter Mondale 90% // Ronald Reagan 9% 1988 Michael Dukakis 90% // George H.W. Bush 10% 1992 Bill Clinton 83% // George H.W. Bush 10% 1996 Bill Clinton 84% // Bob Dole 12% 2000 Al Gore 90% // George W. Bush 9% Hell Al Gore got 90% of the black vote and he's about the whitest robot guy out there! So Obama didn't get 93% of the black vote because he's black, he got it because he's a Democrat, which is the point several people were making. The question you should be asking is why do Republicans policies make blacks, Latinos, women, gays and, well, anyone that's not an older white guy, want to vote for the Dems?
  13. But that first pass SHOULD have been caught by Chandler for a 1st down. After that who knows what Chan would have called... Whatever, he dropped it, yes they probably should have run on 2nd, but they didn't Now you're in 3rd and long - you're certainly not going to run here. Everyone is harping on this series, but if Chandler makes the catch, who knows what plays are called going forward.
  14. Add our inability (or refusal) to get the run game going and I'm with ya! That Wildcat has to go for sure - they KNOW it's a run... Everyone in the Shoutbox was freaking over the three passing plays in a row to start the second half. If Chandler catches that first one, the point is moot. Granted, they could / should have run on second down, but had we run on third and 10, people would have still freaked!
  15. Or he's wincing. But that's not as fun...
  16. Didn't this approval happen in September? http://espn.go.com/los-angeles/nfl/story/_/id/8436735/los-angeles-city-council-approves-plan-downtown-nfl-stadium What DID happen today is that they settled a lawsuit that was potentially holding up the development (everyone needs to get their cut): http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-stadium-settlement-20121102,0,2320349.story But as has been said, they still need to get a team to build the stadium. Plus the Anschutz Entertainment Group is now up for sale, so the new owner would have to support the project: espn.go.com/blog/los-angeles/nfl/post/_/id/857/potential-aeg-sale-raises-questions And some more on the intricacies of the deal (this one from April): http://espn.go.com/los-angeles/nfl/story/_/id/7772949/construction-proposed-football-stadium-los-angeles-begin-march-2013 Anyway you look at it, it's NOT a done deal... Sounds like we can know what's next as early as Feb!
  17. I've done the RV lot for the past two home openers - first let me say, great decision, you're going to have a BLAST! I always find the night before the game to be almost as fun as Sunday; we've eaten a lot of great food and drank a lot of cheap beer with with a lot of awesome new friends... For the Sunday games the lot opens at 8am on Saturday, so I would guess you'll be looking at 8am on Wed for a Thurs game. This year the lot did fill up by about noon (though it was no where near packed, parking was sort of willy-nilly), but it didn't fill up until gameday last year. With our record at this point, you should be ok with Wed night but I would recommend going during daylight, setting up camp, starting a fire and meeting your Bills family. A trip to the Bills store is recommended the day before too, it's not packed and players always seem to swing through there the day before the game. I'm not sure about the van, but if you claim you're "camping" in it and pay the $50, you should be fine. I had my Jeep, but had to park it in the general lot. On Saturday I was able to dip out, make a trip the airport and Premiere and get back in. But on Sunday there was no driving out. Like the crew said though, there's a store within walking distance. You can use whatever grill, smoker, fire pit or burn barrel you like! There's just the right amount of anarchy in the RV lot... Be sure to stop by Hammer's Lot next door, see the Pinto and say hi to any TBD'ers that may hanging about. Have fun and Go Bills!!
  18. Seriously? The actual quote: "You can play good on ten plays and then on the eleventh play you let [Chris Johnson] break an 80-yard run. The previous ten, no one sees that. The outside, no one sees that. They just see, you give up an 80-yarder. " Do people have NO reading comprehension anymore? Do people even read the articles before they comment?
  19. My pleasure! Someone has to bring the facts to light around here! People on TBD love to talk about a quotes and what they think they mean without posting (or even addressing) the actual freaking quote...
  20. Read into things much? He was just answering a question about his former team... The actual quote from Dareus, FWIW: "I don't know if they could compete with an NFL team, but they're more disciplined than most NFL football teams," Dareus told the Buffalo News. "They'd stick in a game with a few teams. They're just coached real well."
  21. This thread really went sideways quick! I wasn't even sure what the Beacon of Clarity was arguing for or against at one point. At any rate here's the Brandon interview from GR55 if anyone want's to hear what was actually said: http://www.wgr550.com/pages/14664931.php?contentType=4&contentId=1174022 I kind of like the "Fenway / Refub" plan - could work out nicely for a City like Buffalo that can't afford a new stadium...
  22. Finally a thread that suggests getting both Vick and Matt Moore - I'm shocked it took this long...
  23. To me the most telling line is: “Instead of being friends with each other, we need to be more like brothers. Brothers can fight. Brothers tell each other, ‘you gotta pick it up.’ And it’s never against somebody, it’s just to build the team, to make the team better,” While it's great that our team has really good chemistry, sounds like it's a little TOO good. While I want our team to be friends and helping each other along (better than the infamous Bickering Bills) they also need to be willing to call one another out, when its needed. Hopefully Tashard's speech will help everyone hold one another responsible AND will light a fire that desperately needs to be lit...
  24. I caught this too - he said Anderson was never a good run defender and was always a 3rd down pass rush specialist. He's good at what he does, just not playing on all downs. Also said he didn't set the edge well. Kelsay may actually be an upgrade. We can only hope.
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