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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Yeah, I mean, there's no difference in the costs to build things, or of money, from 2016 to 2023, right? 🤔 (BTW, I love that stadium even though I was only there once, for a non-football game - it's SO sick).
  2. Or that he had a "successful visit" - like no flight delays so he was able to get there, have meetings, then leave? 🤔 🤣
  3. If anyone would like to read the report about costs, infrastructure considerations, roof v no roof, etc. here's a link to the analysis report from late '21 https://esd.ny.gov/sites/default/files/news-articles/ESD-Bills-Stadium-Analysis-Summary-FINAL-11-1-21.pdf Or just continue to argue with your guts vs data
  4. Goofy v Regular, the endless debate 🤣
  5. But if we wait until then how can we say for sure that the Bills are doomed *now*!? 🤔🤦‍♂️
  6. Funny how the same people, find a new thing to B word about day after day. 🤣 It’s the TBD (or, sports fan) way…
  7. ^^ Add another Billi on the cost of the Bills stadium for the Jags new digs. I could only imagine Bills fans "it's expensive AND futuristic? I hate it, I'm a Rockpile guy, we don't need no amenities!!" 🤣
  8. Parrino and Talbot have a good, measured take on the extension, fwiw:
  9. Reasons for Optimism: We're complex living organisms, alive on Earth at a time when the Bills are good. Reasons for Pessimism: Anything can happen at any time. Too broad? 🤣
  10. ^ Great, now Alpha-bot is glitching out...
  11. Yeah, its solidifying with him as a top 1 - 3 QB in the league, will he EVER be good enough to win? 🤔
  12. Yup first in turnovers, but only second in wins over three years - what's wrong with this guy!?
  13. Just catching up - Hopkins is trying to move the Bills to Toronto!?! WTF!??!!! 😤
  14. This is literally the best "action shot" I got 🤣 A webcam would be the most boring show on the internet - at least for now!
  15. I stopped by yesterday popped into the store, saw the construction site, prayed to the Bills gods in Hammer's Lot... The site right now is really a bunch of dudes putting up a, not quite straight, fence line around the entire site. Definitely a lot of piles of dirt and trees down over by ECC too and some heavy machinery rolling around, but not really much to see yet... 🤷‍♂️
  16. For real. 🤣 "Josh is too commercial" - he's literally one of the most popular and recognizable people in the most popular sports league in the country, sooooo, ya know... 🤣🤣
  17. Possibly the best moment from the Winter Olympics a few years back:
  18. He's not "posing / modeling", he's an NFL superstar at a huge public sports event, with a ton of photographers around so he's, you know, smiling and showing some personality for the camera. As one does when one walks a red carpet at a big event... I can only imagine if we saw him at the Derby and he was not smiling at the cameras. "What's wrong with Josh!? The breakup has him depressed, he's not having fun at one of the funniest events of the spring! We're doooooooomed!!!"
  19. If there is one thing I’m definitely not taking TBDs advice on, it’s fashion sense… 🤣 And he wore the suit to the derby. Have you seen the fashion there? Dude isn’t showing up in a black suit, it’s party suit time! 🍻
  20. Can we just pin this post to the top of TSW? 🙏 Annnnd, maybe this one too (did lolz) 🤣
  21. NEPOBABY! Or something... 🤣 So cool, congrats to him and his Papa! 🙌
  22. Cheers crew, here's to Day 2 🍸
  23. When making a poll goes wrong... 🤣
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