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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Yeah, only in Buffalo. And Chicago, Philly, Cleveland, KC and SD...
  2. Not sure I understand quotes like this about Hard Knocks - have you seen the show? The only way it's a circus or a team looks like fools is if they ARE fools. It'll probably never happen anyway, but it suuuuure would be fun to see what goes on behind the closed doors at OBD!
  3. I could only imagine the madness that TBD would be if we didn't have our coach hired! Eagles, Cards, Bears, Chargers, (who else?), are all behind the 8 ball... People can dislike the Marrone choice all they want, but the Bills got the guy they wanted. End of story.
  4. Love that he's familiar with not on the Jets, but also Brady and the Pats and the Fins. No need for him to "learn the division" he just needs to figure out how to get our guys to CRUSH their guys!
  5. Amazing - I was just having the exact same thought. Strange, bro... It would definitely be fun for Bills fans, that's for sure. Great show and I don't think it did any damage to the Dolphins. In fact it almost helped me hate them a little less. I'd LOVE to see "behind the curtain" of this regime, that much is for sure! Of course maybe we give Marrone one year first - Hard Knocks in '14...
  6. You could spend what this guy is losing on his PSLs and see Bills games (with a friend, in GOOD seats) for the next 20 years! "An owner of four “Coaches Club” PSLs behind the Jets bench paid $30,000 for each seat but is now trying to unload them for $12,000 a pop." Cr-azy...
  7. Payton thinks Marrone will do well: http://www.nola.com/saints/index.ssf/2013/01/new_orleans_saints_coach_sean_220.html
  8. Schefter piece saying Marrone likes the Bills talent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lt97C7XNtEM
  9. Good read! Interesting that they mention him being "hulking", he's definitely an NFL sized at 6'5" 270 http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/M/MarrDo20.htm Can't wait to see what he brings to the Bills...
  10. FWIW, Eagles fan write up on Marrone (when he was still in the running for them): http://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2013/1/2/3827482/philadelphia-eagles-coaching-candidate-profiles-doug-marrone-syracuse
  11. But why poach stats? He's 45 - 51 overall. BPA also skips the years where Whiz took them to the Super Bowl (lost to Pitts) and then won a playoff game the next year. Or when he won a Super Bowl as Pittsburgh's O coordinator. I'm not saying the guy is the answer, but he's not the HORRIBLE coach some want to make him out to be...
  12. Tasker's thoughts on Whiz: http://arizona.sbnation.com/arizona-cardinals/2013/1/5/3838870/ken-whisenhunt-steve-tasker-arizona-cardinals
  13. lol - posted this in the Whiz thread: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1466846-ken-whisenhunt-would-be-perfect-head-coach-for-cleveland-browns
  14. Now ironic "Why Whisenhunt Would be Perfect for the Browns" article on b/r: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1466846-ken-whisenhunt-would-be-perfect-head-coach-for-cleveland-browns And Whiz is leading the poll - lol
  15. So true. Hell, I'd consider moving to KC just so I could live off of, and learn to cook, some real KC BBQ!
  16. Well it should be fun to see what happens, that's for sure - good for Cleveland! While it would have been fun, newsworthy and crazy, I'm not sad we didn't get him. For me, the risk of a bust is just too much. We need a proven guy as our next HC and there are still several very good options out there, IMO...
  17. Possibly, but deserving or not 5 PB players shows a coach that clearly there are some good players on the team. Regardless, the overall control is why Reid took the KC job (that and money I'm sure). Also, just because a coach chooses another team doesn't always mean there more talented. People take jobs for all sorts of reasons, good talent is just one...
  18. KC has 5 Pro Bowl players and were willing to give control to Reid (who will be bringing in his own GM and personnel guy). Despite his overall record, I'm glad the Bills didn't do that! http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000121923/article/andy-reid-kansas-city-chiefs-reach-agreement
  19. Sooooo, essentially no one likes any of the candidates? Sounds about right for TBD... I don't get the dislike for Whiz or Lovie. Sure both guys have their issues, but both have been to the Super Bowl *twice* (once as coordinators, once as Head Coaches) and while both lost, both have been there and know what it takes to get there. Not ALL losses are on coaches, GMs and players need some blame as well. Plus from what I've heard and read both guys are universally respected by players, coaches and pundits alike - I really don't think we'll be in bad shape with either... Same goes with Kelly, while unproven in the NFL and a huge risk, the guy could revolutionize how offense is played in the NFL. Plus he clearly has the respect of other pro coaches and even has NFL connections (there was a story that mentioned he's considering staff for his new NFL job that includes guys have have coached in the NFL). Heck, even the coordinators that are on our short list get generally good reviews from those in the league (I listen to way too much Sirius NFL radio and watch too much NFLN). Unlike our last coaching search I really, really feel that we're going to end up with the best guy for us. It's not a choice between Chan Gailey or, well, Chan Gailey. Bring it on, I say - any way you look at it, our coaching is going to take a leap from last year!!
  20. Love the UPS commercial featuring Kelly talking about the speed and precision of his offense: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_mO92OUvpg With his uptempo practice style I bet he would also draw a TON of interest to Training Camp and Pre-season as well.
  21. Not sure if I saw this one posted, but here's a good (but s-l-o-w) tutorial on Kelly's Zone Run scheme: I wonder if Russ and Co. are there?
  22. I wouldn't be too sure about that - if AZ doesn't hire him as their HC and he doesn't get any other opps, the thought of getting the band back together (Horton, Wiz and Whaley) in Buffalo might be more appealing than staying in AZ with another head coach he doesn't know. Or that's my hope...
  23. Wiz does have a nice resume, regardless of his overall record in AZ: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Whisenhunt http://www.azcardinals.com/team/coaches/ken-whisenhunt/e9efa25c-a1a6-4cd3-ac14-8f59cefc04f9 Highlights for me: - Played in the NFL for 9 seasons (current players seem to respect a guy that has been in battle) - Cards all-time leader in wins by a head coach (you can look at this two ways - the Cards suck so it's not hard to be the all time leader, or the Cards suck making it harder for a coach to be successful) - 4-2 postseason record - Took the Cards to a Super Bowl - Won a ring in Pittsburgh as the O coach If he brings in Horton as his D coordinator I like that combo more than Lovie and whatever Offensive coordinator he might dig up to bring in...
  24. Super interesting article - I really got lost in a tangent of Chip Kelly research last night The two big questions for me are - how will NFL players take to this fast, "new style" practice and what is Kelly's deal on D (or who would he bring in as a coordinator)? Love the idea of a futuristic offense, but I'm scared by a guy that has never played, coached or even gophered in the NFL...
  25. FWIW, I listened to Sirius for most of day yesterday while driving from Buffalo to VT and nearly everyone of the NFL guys (journalists and former players, including John Madden) felt that Buffalo needs to go with a proven, established guy over a college coach that may, or may not, succeed. The other big thing the talked about was putting together an NFL quality staff, which they said is absolutely key to success in the NFL. The two names that everyone was highest on were Wiz and Lovie; I'd be fine with either. If Wiz brings along Horton, sign him up! Yes Wiz had a poor record the last few years in AZ, but by all accounts if you take the personnel decisions out of his hands, he's a great coach... It could be fun to see what Chip Kelly would bring to the NFL table, but it could also be another complete disaster - and the unknowns scare me!
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