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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. lol Now THAT'S a policy! "Well, the bad news is, no open containers, the good news is, weed is legal - smoke up Johnny!" I bet the crowds would be waaaaaay less rowdy...
  2. Typical Russ Branding marketing crap - oh suuuuure let's just "sign draft picks" so we can try to "win games". All the guy cares about is selling tickets... Congrats to Kiko - Let's Go Buffalo!
  3. Dude was just on John Murphy, but I missed most of it. His dad was a TE for the Jets that used to kill the Bills and Mickey just wants to pitch in and help us win. Not sure it hurts, I guess. Except for the release of obvious future HOF / All-Pro WR Norell. Same Old Bills...
  4. ^ Okaaaay... It's such a bummer that the opener always sells out before it even goes on sale to the public. Just ain't fair Of course, the last couple years it would have been cheap and easy to snipe some off of Ticketexchage on game day. Wonder if that'll be the same this year - I think there's lots of enthusiasm around the Bills!
  5. Day 2 notes: http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-2/Rookie-Minicamp-Practice-Notes---Day-2/41685c9d-7df8-423b-a8ad-260711ea4afe?campaign=tw_buf_article Woods is gonna be a player. And the long ball to Goodwin (or TJ) could be awesome when EJ gets on the field...
  6. The Matrix 2 and 3. Caddyshack 2 is so bad it's unwatchable though, so it still wins...
  7. FWIW (and for those that have it) NFLN is replaying the Jets HN. And while it's not the Bills, there is some Mike Pettine featured! I love HN and think a Bills season would be amazing. I'm not sure it's the circus side show it was thought of, as long as your organization isn't blowing it I guess! Still bring it on, I promise I'll watch every episode...
  8. NFLN said he bet $4,700 and won $25k - not bad...
  9. The REAL freakout at the Kentucky Derby by the man himself, H.S.T. http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/7887639/looking-back-hunter-s-thompson-classic-story-kentucky-derby
  10. ajzepp - thanks for starting this, I had almost started this one a few times! The John Murphy Show is a MUST listen for any Bills fans - you'll get more insight into the team from one show that a week of reading articles (especially when Nix, Brandon or Marrone are on)!
  11. Much better than one "of you and I engaged in a kiss"...
  12. Great interview - how can ya NOT be excited after hearing that? The whole time I was thinking about how different this team is than it was, hell, even a few weeks ago. If some of these rookies can play, watch out baby!!
  13. Good old "What's His Name" - I'll never forget that guy!
  14. That was great - I missed that (though they were playing the Miller scream as a bumper on Sirius), thanks for the link. You also have to like what Nix had to say: Interesting that we DID have a chance to move back again, but Buddy didn't have the guts! At the time I would have thought about it (but I bet I drank WAY more beer than Buddy), but in hindsight, I'm glad the way it all played out. He was the guy - we got him!
  15. Jim Miller talked a bit about Manuel on Sirius earlier - he felt EJ was by far the best QB and always felt EJ would be the first QB off the board. Said Manuel was head and shoulders above all of the other QBs at the Senior Bowl in terms of prep, poise, knowledge, ability to throw it, etc. Can't wait to see how EJ develops!!
  16. Pretty interesting - Gil Brandt was asked about the Manuel pick and said "I knew that was going to be the pick. In fact, I've known for about three months now that was going to be the pick." I wonder if he an 'ol Buddy are 'ol buddies? Or if he just meant he always felt that EJ was the best fit / had the most upside so logically the Bills would take him (knowing we needed a QB)? He didn't really offer any thoughts on EJ's potential, but interesting none the less...
  17. Fortunately I had a couple comp days at work to burn, so I took the today and tomorrow off and a buddy from home is flying up from FL (as we speak) to hang for the weekend. The plan is to watch the draft, eat, drink, kick around BTV in a lot of Red, White and Blue and hopefully high-five a lot. Should be fun. I'm making some Beef on Wecks to kick it off tonight. Wish us luck... I know this, I can't WAIT to see how this draft all unfolds. Should be pretty entertaining! Let's Go Buffalo!
  18. I like the part where Kelly gave a shout out to his 6 concussions and "too many nights at the Big Tree". They started to explain it, but then stopped and called it a company secret. Kelly said he'd take Nassib over the rest of the class, but would take Tavon Austin at 8! o_O Kelly also seemed to like Nassib because he's a "Pennsylvania boy" and doesn't like Barkley cause of where he's from "West Coast". Tasker said he'd go with EJ at 8. I think both said they'd trade back though... Good stuff, fun to hear an all Bills show on Sirius!
  19. ^ you haven't missed much, really. Great show though! In the first segment they talked about Felser (nice little tribute) and the 30 by 30 (Kelly's role). They're just getting into the QBs now. They talked about Marrone and his high energy - they love him!
  20. Hosted by Tasker and Jim Kelly! Sounds like it has promise...
  21. Yup - he mentioned that exact trade on NFLN. Now THAT would be a dream scenario - a top QB prospect late in the and another first next year!
  22. For real / amen! How are they going to predict, well, anything before the draft, training camp and pre-season? Don't make no kinda sense... I watch every Bills game too, regardless of opponent, records, injuries, etc. Hell, I've missed *live* sporting events that I was at to watch the Bills. Last year I scheduled an 8 hour layover at the end of a vacation so I could sit in Chicago and watch the Bills (on my phone none the less). So predicted snooze-fest or not, I'm watching!
  23. Nope, the FACT is this team hasn't played one game yet. Maybe they're bad, maybe they're good. Might as well enjoy the ride along the way...
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