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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Murph is at Training Camp - show has started off with an interview with Mario! pic.twitter.com/vltU9anmEz
  2. And here we go! I haven't been this excited for a Bills camp in a LONG time - this year could be a fun one. No shortage of camp battles to watch. We get to see the new staff in action. Interviews. Footage. It's that time again... The boys checking in: http://www.buffalobills.com/media-center/photo-gallery/Players-Move-in-to-Training-Camp/81d4b97e-bed5-4a7e-9a49-cf902947f1d3#start Love Meeks in the Zubaz hat.
  3. After the first round they don't even get a jersey - just a "Congrats?" ecard with an image of Moorman punting out of our own endzone...
  4. I think you mean he WAS picked #1 (by the Bills)
  5. All that Clippers rational, but no mention that the Clippers started life in Buffalo!? Braves baby! I was a Clippers game a couple years ago and chanted "Let's Go Buffalo!" the entire time...
  6. Heitz + Groundskeeper Willie x Simponize App (remixed with tie-dye background) = Avatar
  7. Yes, it's an NFL wide policy designed just to get you to buy more in the stadium... What's crazy is that we live in a world where we have to everyone bring stuff into a stadium in a clear bag. Seems sad. On one hand I think its a good policy for events with such large crowds (which speaks to the state of violence in America). On the other, I think it's a complete invasion of privacy. I mean, I can't carry my wallet in my pocket? Or my camera in a bag? I get it, but man it's frustrating. Also, I doubt the bad guys will give a sh*t about the "clear bag policy" soooooo... Not sure what the solution is. Hopefully we'll just get to a world with those Total Recall (the OG Total Recall, not that new one) style scanners soon, I guess. Oh and it's good to see the Bills doing the right thing with the bag giveaway. Can we please look up the people that were up in arms because other teams were doing this and the Bills weren't (or, hadn't yet, as it turned out)? Great activation for that sponsor "we'll get you in the hand of nearly everyone in the stadium - and they'll keep it!". Think it'll be Bills branded too? Regardless, good move.
  8. 1) This feels like a self-serving thread; Rubeo you're going to need a few more years of fandom before we put you on the Wall of Fame. Or at least one Super Bowl. 2) Ralph is SO cheap he won't even buy *letters* anymore...
  9. Then, please, for the sake of the rest of our sanity, STOP BEING ONE.
  10. Great article - loved this line: “We all spend a lot of time studying people and trying to figure out what can get ’em. There are blitzes where you think nine people are coming and only three are,” said Ravens defensive line coach Clarence Thomas, who worked with Pettine and Ryan. “The timing has a lot to do with it. You have to change things up. You can’t do the same thing all the time." That seemed to be a HUGE issue last year! It'll be interesting to see what Pettine shows in the preseason - perhaps we'll get more than vanilla... Also, still amazed that some people *cough*8and8*cough* just KNOW that things are going to be awful. I mean without camp even being open they've written the Bills off. Hell, why not at least hope for the best, rather than fretting disaster...
  11. Just a programming alert that Sirius will be at Bills camp on 7/30 from 3 - 7pm. Tim Ryan, Pat Kirwan and Steve Tasker will be the hosts on-site. Can't wait for this, I love Tim and Pat and having Tasker in the mix can't hurt either... Set your VCR's, er, throw it in your calendar.
  12. No dude, Ralph is Cheap and Russ / Buddy are idiots. Even though he was gone before we picked. Also, I'm blaming hip-hop for the current love of Molly / MDMA (and Moscato too). Hopefully Chance The Rapper's "Acidrap" album will get the kids back to mind expansion rather than straight up brain cell destruction. x 2
  13. I think it's been re-branded Molly by the kids these days. Pretty dumb if true...
  14. It's a 10 Deep shirt - streetwear brands are always a little edgy! Also, that shirt is cool! Seems silly to get upset over this one...
  15. Only relevant because I know how many people here would loved to have taken him (even though he was drafted before we picked): http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/broncos/2013/07/22/von-miller-facing-four-game-suspension/2574781/ No word (per Sirius) on whether it's performance enhancing or substance abuse. Big blow for the Broncos though!
  16. I'm amazed by the number of fans that already KNOW the Bills are going to be bad. Can't we at least see training camp, or maybe even the pre-season before we write the year off? Live a little, enjoy the fact that we're currently 0 - 0 with no real clue as to what the season is going to bring...
  17. People really get riled up over nothing... Networking on a messageboard, while maybe not the *best* technique, does sometimes lead to things. I ended up where I am, in a way, because of a messageboard contact (10 years ago!) - you never know who's out there. Rockee the Bills are also on LinkedIn (and you can connect with people within the organization there). The Bills and several NFL teams run jobs through teamworkonline http://footballjobs.teamworkonline.com/teamwork/jobs/default.cfm Best bet is probably to go to Buffalo meet some people and find someone to get a meeting with! As for the analytics department who knows what's going on? Is there a link with more info it's not happening? With Whaley just taking over and Russ still fresh into his job, it may take a while to get things up and running. There could be planning going on, etc. Or not. Who knows?
  18. Chris Brown is going to be on tonight - call the conspiracy theorists! Ralph is cheap AND controls the media.
  19. I'm not going to say his INTs are padded, because he picked-off the balls he did IMO - whether the QB was good or bad. Were some "easier" to pick than some others? Probably, but what do I know I don't play professional football... I did find this stat from the Trapasso article I posted in the other Byrd thread interesting: "Byrd played 1,047 snaps in 2012. Of those snaps, he was "thrown at" 21 times, according to ProFootballFocus. On those 21 "targets," he actually allowed 16 receptions, which equated to a catch percentage of 76.2, the sixth-highest catch percentage of all safeties who played at least 25 percent of their respective team's snaps. Byrd's QB rating allowed of 56.9 was one of the lowest in the league among safeties-thanks to those interceptions-yet his catch percentage was far from elite." http://sports.yahoo.com/news/enduring-buffalo-bills-jairus-byrd-franchise-tag-saga-140300480.html So while he picked off a lot of balls, looks like he also allowed quite a few receptions. Perhaps that's the point you can use for argument that he doesn't deserve the huge deal (which is what I'm interpreting as the point of the original post), though again, that's just one measure...
  20. Anytime you can get "both sides did things right, both sides did things wrong" in an article, I tend to like it (or at least believe it a little more). This thread is so funny with the "I would never give him the deal he wants" or "The Bills are idiots for not giving him what he deserves" black or white opinions. Both of which ignore the big fact NO ONE KNOWS WHAT WAS ASKED FOR OR OFFERED! I negotiate sponsorship deals with athletes and its not always the overall dollars that are the hang up - terms, bonuses, and a million other little details all play a part in coming to an agreement. Who knows why this one didn't work out, but I'm sure it's on BOTH sides, not just just greedy 'ol Parker, or cheap 'ol Ralph...
  21. Trapasso has a good take on how we got to where we are and where we go from here: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/enduring-buffalo-bills-jairus-byrd-franchise-tag-saga-140300480.html
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