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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. I was going to say... Hell, when I drank a lot I used to puke every Sunday before Bills games too.
  2. Gotta be honest, watching the first episode I had the same feelings as you - these guys don't seem very focused. And I know the players are going to joke around and have a little fun, but to your point, probably during drills isn't the best time. What got me even more was the jokey nature of the staff. They're all just having fun, joking around, getting yelled at by players, and generally not acting as leaders (though again, this is just 60 minutes in a week). Hue Jackson's continual smack talk to the D is going to get that little Giovani killed (seemed like the D was teeing off on him to get back at Hue. I just see Marrone and staff acting the same way - way too focused on Football. Regardless, I love Hard Knocks, it really makes you think about what a crazy business and game Football is. The guy getting hurt at the end was brutal for him, poor kid...
  3. First episode of this season is starting right now...
  4. Yup, the ps3 app. And I have a gen 1 iPad so it won't airplay (won't do HBO Go either - so stupid), but think I've read that others have airplayed it...
  5. FWIW, last year I got the "online only" package and the password worked for my phone, iPad and PS3 - lotsa options. I had the occasional freeze on all devices, but such is streaming video. Still totally worth it!
  6. http://www.wgr550.com/Bills-practice-marred-by-Stevie-Johnson-injury/16972848
  7. But how's Stevie's leg? Is Stevie's leg ok? What's the latest from the Doctors? I know he was helped off the field, but was he excused from practice?? Sucks, let's just hope he's ready to go for the season...
  8. Wow - color me impressed. I can not wait for the season to start! EJ is an impressive guy with smart answers to questions. Tim and Pat were giddy, I think... Tim and Pat also said when they look at Rogers they see a Randy Moss type. Stoked.
  9. HA - amazing reference, just watched that last night. These guys are definitely gonna get tossed off the bus...
  10. Love that Kirwan and Ryan are in Buffalo - I feel like they're impressed and we'll get to hear that come through on their show (the current best on Sirius NFL IMO)! Pat Kirwan on the Bills practice today: - Tons of reps - They're unscripted - not rehearsing fake situations (something they feel is akin to "acting") - Uptempo. Good rhythm. He felt the Bills got more out of this practice than some of the other teams they have visited. - EJ looked impressive today.
  11. BTW, I still love Marrone! Listening to this guy you know he just GETS football...
  12. What's up with the clicking? Sucks because it's not happening in my Jeep - do I need to just go drive around to listen?
  13. Not that I want to see this at 800 pages, but for those saying "he was asked the same question 4 times in a row", that was just TODAY. He was asked the same question 4 times in a row yesterday too, fwiw...
  14. - Tim and Pat mentioned the great depth of our D line. - Talked about holding Kyle out so he doesn't get hurt and is 100% healthy for the season. I'll add what I can - I'm PowerPointing whilst listening... Whaley is on now - should be good. Tim and Pat keep mentioning all of the talent on this team, which can only be a good thing! - Talking WRs: Goodwin is great out of his breaks, he can block - Woods: NFL ready, looks great - Next thing that jumped out to Tim was EJ. Now Whaley is talking about that "it" factor, said that being the face of the franchise is not too big for EJ
  15. That video makes me love Marrone even more... I'm guessing we'll find out more about Mario when the Bills are good and ready to tell us. Decides, they'll break that news to Brown or Murphy, not JW or Graham.
  16. Looks like they moved this to 4:00 - guess I cancelled that 3:00 meeting for nothing
  17. Good stuff! I liked the insight on the drills - thank God we're actually seeing a change! Clearly whatever they were doing before wasn't working. This young WR corps is getting me excited. Sounds like TJ is ready to step up and Woods is a "stud" (Kolb's words). Should be interesting to see where the rest of the guys sake out... Thanks for taking the time Astro.
  18. Thanks boys! I had this last year and it was totally worth it... Just used one of the codes, here's mine should anyone need it: http://preseason.nfl.com/nflpl/raf/FRWXXRU4APFA
  19. Yawn. With all of the day one injuries out there I'm just fine with Mario sitting safe and sound on the sideline.
  20. I like the weekly thread idea - good suggestion! FWIW, Joe B is going to be on WGR doing a pre Training Camp show at 5:00 - http://www.wgr550.com/
  21. Marrone a mi, I Billeve! 19 - 0 LET'S GO BUFFALO!
  22. Those pics really show how young the team is... Wiz - thanks for the link, there goes THAT 45 minutes. Let's hope that Marrone's quote about "the future being now" means that we'll see EJ at the start of the season! Guess it's really just up to EJ...
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