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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Fans like "I saw that Brick Josh killed a guy. Did he throw a trident?"
  2. Like 80% of the posts in this thread? 🤔 A lot of this "he said, she said" is a little much. No wonder Stef is like "keep on cappin'" because no one really knows anything, but everyone thinks they do!
  3. Perfect, because I 100% do not. 🙄 I would think, you know, the results on the field show that Josh is pretty well prepared. For f's sake, HE carried the team to several wins on his back... 🤷‍♂️ This thread, wow.
  4. Which he does all the time on his social. Like I said last night, the only that's clear about Diggs social is that nothing is clear about Diggs social 🤣
  5. Could be Josh, but I would say If there’s one thing that’s clear from Diggs social media, it’s that nothing is clear on Diggs social media...
  6. Or, like, fans and literally everyone else out there speculating. Yeesh...
  7. Hey, I'm definitely here to be here, AND I'm on currently on PST - I can do this All. Night. Long. 🤣🤣
  8. We've finally reached peak speculation in a ridiculously speculative thread. Oof. Maybe Josh is really a replicant sent here by Aliens? I MEAN WE JUST DON'T KNOW!! 🤣 SMH...
  9. I’m still drinking while I’m thinking, so hard to say… Not shocked to see you say this since it literally makes the MOST sense… 🤣 🤷‍♂️
  10. This makes the MOST sense - like his LITERAL brother could be going away, that's going to be a concern, especially for a guy like Steph. Even makes sense with Josh's comments. Not as much fun as the myriad of theories from the real insider / know-it-alls here though, I guess...
  11. Perfect because my tactic for this whole thing is "drink while I think", so hoping he's there tomorrow
  12. Is everyone on drugs today? And if so, where do I sign up - I don't get paranoid like the rest of these kids... 🤣
  13. I have it on good accord they let the players know there won't be Turkey Burgers at Training Camp so Diggs (smartly) is protesting!
  14. Bwwwwwwaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa - classic. Yes, why would we possibly want MORE information when we can speculate with the three data points YOU provided? 🙄 I'm not even sure the eyeroll emoji truly captures my eyeballs rolling into my skull
  15. Dude, nothing has gone "disastrously wrong" - it's DAY ONE, but I know you're excited to be right. 🤣
  16. Why!? It's a few hours into day one - anyone that's ever faced adversity knows that's when you freak out and throw in the towel! 🤣🤣🤣
  17. See, he obvi just doesn't know what day minicamp starts! 🤣 🤷‍♂️
  18. Curious of how this was said. Was it a TBD-like "OMG THIS IS VERY CONCERNING! I'M FREAKING OUT MAN!!" Or more like "Yeah, OF COURSE it's very concerning, everyone else is here and one of our best Dudes is not." IDK, that type of context matters to me...
  19. Might need to change your name to Voice of Reason Or, we can all just continue the freak out one day in!
  20. Well at least we know who to put on ignore early...
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