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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. And right on cue, Flacco gets picked...
  2. Except for the fact that he's vice president and general counsel of a company, which would seem relevant for a vice president and general counsel job...
  3. Chromecast costs $35 - that's what, 4 months of cable box rental? Better start the Kickstarter now... http://gigaom.com/2013/08/14/honest-chromecast-review/ And, really who cares? If you don't want to stream Sunday Ticket you'll still be able to get the games on TV and probably though Direct TV too. Not sure why anyone would argue for MORE access to Sunday Ticket - only on TBD...
  4. Not sure what the YouTube comparison has to Sunday Ticket, but you do know you can already stream Sunday Ticket to your TV and, yes, it actually works. Not saying there aren't slow downs or the occasional drop, but most of the time the Bills games stream just fine over the old Interweb...
  5. Done and Done-r. Where's your office, Dr.? Maybe I'll just roll up and park in your front yard
  6. Maybin and Bills sightings in tonight's episode! Last ones I guess...
  7. Crew - I'm taking an RV to the home opener (third year in a row) and am just wondering if anyone has found a place to camp Friday night near the stadium? The RV lot opens at 8am on Saturday and while we usually stay at a friends house Friday, he's about 45 minutes from the stadium and I'm just looking to be a little closer this year - I have a feeling the RV lot is going to fill up quick! Thanks in advance...
  8. If only he would have been pulled over in Seattle.... Your fine Mr. Bradham? You must eat one bag of Doritos. http://www.adweek.com/adfreak/seattle-police-continue-being-awesome-handing-out-1000-bags-doritos-stoners-151936
  9. So true - that dark tint is a killer. I've had a few friends get pulled over because of it... In VT less than an Oz gets you a ticket ($200 for the first time, more the next times) but it doesn't result in a criminal record being created. Hope that's the same case for Nigel...
  10. Thank god they finally decriminalized it in VT. Bummer for Bradham, gotta watch that tint!!
  11. Link about the surgery taking place: http://blogs.buffalo...y-this-morning/ "Head coach Doug Marrone said he expects Buffalo’s top draft choice will be re-evaluated at the start of the regular season." - hmmmmmm...
  12. Sirius just reported that EJ had arthro surgery, it went well (he's not even using crutches). Timetable is 2 - 4 weeks recovery!
  13. FWIW I have a little cartlage tear in my ankle that I have to have scoped. My doc told me the recovery is about a week and that I would be back out riding a bike in about 10 days... Keep in mind EJ isn't a 40 something professional expert like me, so he may not heal as fast, but if its just a small tear we might be ok.
  14. Be quiet - next thing they'll ban cell phones! I think we'll be fine, and plenty loud come regular season... And obviously this has nothing to do with the Bills and everything to do with society. I was at a kids play with my girlfriend and her family and the guy in front of us, had his freaking iPad above his head taking video. It was like watching the play on TV. I thought someone was going to kill the guy, but as you looked around everyone had their cell phones up taking vids. Louie CK has a great bit about it in his latest HBO standup. I'm guilty of it too, but every once in a while I do put the phone down to actually watch things in real life!
  15. There's talk about all the blitzing in preseason on Sirius right now; it's becoming how it's done. Welcome to 2013, Vikings. If I were a Vikings fan it would scare the crap out of me that they're not ready for blitzing Ds - the season is like 3 weeks away... Ross Tucker just tweeted "Mike. Pettine. MT: @NFL_ATL: Christian Ponder: 'Exotic' Bills defense 'hard for us to identify'" Better do some homework!
  16. Talk about naming rights - Welcome to "KISS Stadium at Ralph Wilson Field." Despite all of KISS's um, "merchandising", over the years it still makes me happy to say the first concert I ever saw was KISS. The kids always give me a curious look, then nod of approval when I tell them that at work events...
  17. Ha - thanks! I must have posted what was playing AFTER the Brady video...
  18. Video of the injury (though it's hard to see what really happened, no mistaking him coming out of the pile holding his knee nor the fans saying "Oh noooooo!"): http://telly.com/13A55ZD
  19. It's on West Front Street dude... https://maps.google.com/maps?q=casey%27s+buffalo+IA&ll=41.456301,-90.71866&spn=0.01256,0.021501&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&fb=1&gl=us&hq=casey%27s&hnear=0x87e3cfa4f910267f:0xafcb51eba9355d38,Buffalo,+IA&cid=0,0,4533138853134476542&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A
  20. One of the Bills players called this out in an interview - we could feel the other team getting worn down. Who knows what'll happen during the season, but this conditioning and fast paced practice sure cant hurt!
  21. ]WHAT!? What's next - false reporting in the story?
  22. The only way this could be better is if the guy was wearing a Tuel jersey...
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