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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. FREE! Home and on one of these: Go Bills!!
  2. It's the WORST! And who on the client side decided that we needed to have a 5:00 call tonight!?!? Please someone me!
  3. Link!? Oh, wait: http://www.nfl.com/voting/rookies/2013/REG/4 I voted for both. A few times. Early and often!
  4. Oy Vey - I hope they wear tinfoil doorags under their helmets! Love this quote "Suggs went on to say that his suspicions about Goodell’s slant began before the playoff game against the Broncos when he saw the commissioner talking with John Elway on the Broncos sideline." Yes, because the Commish NEVER talks to GMs...
  5. Why not show the stat that matters - turnover ratio. In that category we're +4 (tied for 5 best in the league). Obviously we need to stop putting the ball on the ground, but as long as keep picking up the ball when the other team does, we'll be a'ight...
  6. I can see you not being interested, but "incredibly dumb"? What's wrong with fans having a little fun? The Buffalo Bills. Serious Business.
  7. C'mon Man! NASCAR races, while fun (and freaking loud) are no Buffalo Bills home game! Especially on a beautify late September day!
  8. Heck yeah, you at the stadium yet? Head to Hammer's and meet some of the TBD crew... The Ralph always feels so far from VT (8 hours), except on Sunday when I ask myself "why am I not in buffalo today!" Enjoy that birthday gift - you're in for a great time!
  9. But, but, but, 'Scopes told us Wilson was a STUD the second he stepped onto an NFL field! Man oh man, what am I to think now!?
  10. Is this a ban worthy post? 'Cause it should be...
  11. More of a tight end I'm sure if I mention that, her foot will be healed and up my ass pretty quickly!
  12. Byrd should be a man, lop off his foot, replace it with one of those blade deals and get out there and make some plays! FWIW, my girlfriend has PF and there are days that she can barely walk on it. It's not just a "tough it out" injury...
  13. @AdamSchefter Cleveland fielding offers for and open to trading WRs Josh Gordon and Greg Little. At least one team has made a quality offer for Gordon. Real fire sale going on there in Cleveland... ESPN also reported they will aggressively peruse Ben Tate in the off-season.
  14. Sanchez has revised his dream from "NFL Quarterback" to "Two chicks at the same time"
  15. "Do you like football?" > "No" > Jacksonville Jaguars - Dead Classic! I got the Chiefs my first run though... Good stuff OP!
  16. Not bad bruh - like the lyrics, there were some good one-liners in there. My only feedback is that the beat feels pretty typical in today's Trap world. I'd be a fan of something a little outside of the norm, but that's just my taste in hip-hop! Regardless, keep on doing what you do. Let us know when you get Stevie on a track as a guest
  17. So strange - anyone getting the full game on coaches tape view? That's what I paid for - I already have Sunday Ticket which has a replay of the game...
  18. Seriously though, is the coaches film only the first quarter for everyone? I'm loving it, but want more!
  19. Agree with the "kick ass", but rather than stop the madness, I would propose even *more* madness...
  20. I picked up the game rewind too - love the A22, amazing how you can really see what's going on (and, yes, those holes that CJ missed)! Question though, is the coaches film only available for a few plays in Q1? 'Cause that's all I'm seeing...
  21. I've never done a game in Cleveland, but have stayed at the downtown Marriott (Key Center) several times. You can walk to the stadium, RnR HOF and the Warehouse District (the bars and clubs). Chef Michael Simon's joint Lola is within walking http://lolabistro.com/ (and it's on a neat little street with a few other spots worth checking out), Blue Point Grill is good, Osteria di valerio e al is small but nice Italian, Johnny's is more high end Italian and there are several steak houses nearby too. I always liked the thought of being able to stay right downtown and walk to the game! Let us know how it goes...
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