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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Clearly people on TBD don't watch NFLN or listen to Sirius, if they did they would hear the national praise from people that know the game (you know ex-players, coaches and front end types), I constantly hear talk about the VAST culture change in Buffalo and the obvious improvement in effort of this year's Bills teams vs the past several years. Everyone knows we're close, but the vocal minority of Bills fans. If you don't want to believe it, thats fine - I know we live in a culture that wants instant gratification and loves to whine about things they can't control - but this Bills team is a different beast than past years. Plus throw in this little fact (posted in another thread last night) and I like our chances to see a little magic down the stretch: "The teams with the five hardest schedules? They're a combined 11-30. Bummer. Last night's hard-luck losers have faced the toughest schedule in football; the 2-6 Texans have faced teams playing .598 football, roughly the equivalent of a 9.6-win team every week. Behind them are the Bills (.592), Giants (.588), Cardinals (.577), and Jaguars (.570). The good news is that Buffalo faces the league's easiest schedule the rest of the way after facing the second-toughest slate in the NFL during the first half; they get the Steelers, Falcons, Buccaneers, Jaguars, and might even have their toughest opponent — the Patriots — resting guys in a meaningless Week 17 game." http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/9924624/bill-barnwell-week-9
  2. NFLN just said to expect him back sooner rather than later and that he's going to get a chunk of the practice reps next week!
  3. Interesting given this tweet from Tim Graham: "Bills QB EJ Manuel has been going through a lengthy workout on the field. Nothing grueling, but he's dropping back and firing the ball." Joe B saying the same thing! Said EJ looks like he's going full speed...
  4. Well at least he's still in the region! Good on Aaron though, still working to keep the dream alive...
  5. Pretty sure the playcalling is being covered here: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/163015-to-those-of-you-who-defend-hackett/ Also, and I can't find the article now, but I had read that CJ's best runs last year were up the middle! And as xsoldier54 pointed out it's not like our rushing ranking is *bad* http://www.nfl.com/stats/team And NoSaint hits on the key point - most of our best O weapons are hobbled! Give it some time, let's see where we're at at the end of year...
  6. There was a lot of talk about this on NFLN last night - "Freeman was only with the team for 12 days and wasn't ready to play!" "QBs that come into totally new systems never do well!" They failed to mention that the Bills picked up Thad at the same time and started him a week before Freeman. There was also talk of Freeman's fatal flaw - his lack of accuracy. Glad we passed and took a flyer on Thad!!
  7. Exactly what I was going to add - how many dominating performances were there yesterday? Did the 7 - 0 Chiefs dominate their way to a win? How about the formerly 6 - 0 / unstoppable juggernaut known as the Broncos? OK, SD dominated Jax, but who couldn't? Again, TBD is really starting to remind me of Louis CK - everything is amazing, nobody is happy. In our case "amazing" is perhaps too strong of a phrase, but have a little patience and let's see where we end up this year...
  8. Breakout your tinfoil hat - it was all a massive conspiracy against that Pats! I mean, how else could they have possible lost!? http://boston.barstoolsports.com/random-thoughts/nfl-changed-the-push-rule-after-they-called-it/
  9. That's funny - please explain what a GIFT turnover is!? Like, our D didn't have anything do with the turnovers in the game, please... And yeah, they're different, they WON.
  10. Well said. And I agree with the OP, I checked into the gameday thread and people were just whining. Hell, people are STILL complaining and we WON! It's like the Louis CK skit - everything is amazing and nobody is happy.
  11. I like when we win and people are still complaining. o_O Let's Go Buffalo!!
  12. Let's Go Bills! I'm making some Beef on Weck today to bring a little Buffalo to some Rochester natives that are up here visiting Vermont! Gotta go native on Squish the Fish week...
  13. Per what Russ Brandon tweet? He hasn't even tweeted in 5 days...
  14. I thought of exactly this when they panned to Thad and Tuel high-fiving on the sidelines. I didn't see EJ there and was hoping that the reason I didn't see him was because he was up in the booth!
  15. I live in Burlington and drink it all the time - I personally LOVE it, which is funny because I'm not a big IPA guy. I guess it's the *Double* IPA that makes it work for me... That beer is like gold in this area, when you hit up the local stores they tell you to show up the day of the delivery. The brewery is almost always sold out too, unless you're there on Wednesday in the am. I'd also recommend Switchback in the 22oz bottle - more goooood stuff! Vermont loves it's good beer, which is why everyone can only laugh as I happily drink my Miller High Life
  16. "A parking lot" !? Pish posh, it's HAMMER'S lot, ain't no regular parking lot! To the OP of the flights at 6:30, you need to be at BUF by 5:30 and it's about 15 to get there. Better leave at the end of the 3rd...
  17. Get the Visa or call this guy: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/inside_game/magazine/life_of_reilly/news/2002/02/06/life_of_reilly/?mobile=no
  18. Obviously Two Bills Drive knows more I feel like everyone forgets that we did have a vet on the team - just unfortunate he got injured and had to be IR'd. Also, I love that on one hand people say "EJ has question marks and didn't light it up." but then say "he can't possible be replaced by anyone but a proven vet!" My prediction - get ready for a whole lot of CJ, FJ and Choice...
  19. People want their instant gratification... I'm with you though, this season is FAR from over. If we can get a QB to just manage the next few games, who knows where we'll be. It's not like EJ was playing at a Payton Manning level - find someone to play within the system and with our D (getting stronger with Gilmore, Brooks, Byrd [?], Leodis) and CJ / FJ we'll be OK until EJ gets back!
  20. Are you back? Beat it kook - this somehow is worst than your first post, Scopes...
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