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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Coach, coach - Anchor Bar, Duffs or Bar Bill wings? Let's stir up some REAL controversy amongst the fan base...
  2. Why, when you have the smartest and greatest minds in the history of the NFL, do you still ignore the advice / nonsensical ramblings of Two Bills Drive members?
  3. Is this a cry for TBD to buy you some technology beyond a freaking VHS? Where's the Kickstarter, I'm in!
  4. This years team is better, but somehow this years fans got worse
  5. Let's not let facts get in the way of unnecessary worry! Nice move by the FO.
  6. And by score you mean get one that leads you to the playoffs in his first year? Caaaause that seems to be the only thing that will make some fans happy...
  7. So there is a report that the coach may get rid of players that don't have a good work ethic, a real commitment to the team or professionalism - and fans are MAD about this? Okaaaay... Call me when someone actually knows what's going on in the locker room. I listen to a ton of Sirius and watch a ton of NFLN and Marrone seems to have a ton of respect from from former coaches and players. For now I'll take their perspective rather than my TBD brethren.
  8. That's my biggest question about Mart, does he write like that for any reason? Or is it just for attention? Or perhaps a strange cut and Paste? Don't poems rhyme? Also, the contention of the post is that the coach needs to say we're not good, didn't he: "But I find it very difficult after that game to stand up here and defend a lot of things. I thought we played poorly. I shouldn’t say ‘I thought,’ I know we played poorly in all three phases. We had penalties, we had turnovers, we had misreads, we had missed tackles. We had things go wrong for us that there have been times during the year where we’ve been making improvements on it and probably out of any point during the season, it hit all at once in this game. Maybe it’s been a little bit here and there; this game was at once" Regardless, same rant / disjointed rambling, different thread...
  9. For real. Did I miss the TBD $450,000 crack party or something?
  10. 10.0 - perfect post! Seriously though, we only have so many games each year. I look forward to each and every one, regardless of our record. Sundays without Bills games just aren't the same!
  11. Regrading the stadium capacity, do they have an opportunty (or a plan) to reduce seats with the upcoming remodel? Just knock out about 5k - 10k seats and those sellouts get easier...
  12. Not sure if anyone caught the stat they flashed during the Texans / Jags game tonight. The 12 teams that are currently qualified for the playoffs have used one QB each. The other teams have used 48 QBs. Might not be exactly right (I was in a bar a just caught it flash on), but pretty close. Seems a little telling to me... BTW, my grade is "excited for the future".
  13. I love that several hours after this was posted there are still those that think it's all a conspiracy. And maybe it is, how did Chandler know to know his wife up so far in advance that he would miss media day after a killer fumble? Did Goodell let him know in advance which game he would be throwing? Also, Gug won the thread. Choice's life was in your hands Dude Chandler...
  14. Good thoughts OP. I've long thought there are probably lots of opportunities like this; charters, lotteries, hospitality tents with food, weekend deals, parties, gifts, premium packages, etc. That said, one area where I give the Ralph bad marks as someone outside the regain now (up in VT) are the accommodations near the stadium. There's the (allegedly, since I've never stayed there) crappy Red Roof Inn, but not much else near the stadium. It would be great to have a nice, clean hotel within walking distance of the stadium. While I know Buffalo loves it's drive-in, party, drive-out scene, people traveling distances might be looking for more. I know I am. I've dragged friends from VT down to stay in an RV, which is a blast, but a near on-site hotel would be sweet. Obviously a hotel can't survive on 7 games a year, but still it would be nice!
  15. I like when people say "we should just have covered Gonzalez", who (per the stats) happens to be one of the best receivers EVER in the NFL. Dude, if only teams had thought to properly cover him, he'd be a footnote in NFL history. But I digress...
  16. For REAL can we not go shotgun every play? Kirwin has been talking about this for weeks on Sirius, I mean, it can't hurt to try something else, can it? That's the type of thing that makes me crazy with this team...
  17. I love TBD when we get: followed by: One guy says "lets look and actually see what happened" and the next says "yeah, yeah, but I HAVE A HUNCH EJ is not good!" By all means, let's go with the hunch! Not sure why people think that EJ lost us today's game - he put us in a spot to win. Twice! Blame SJ, blame Chandler, hell blame the refs, but not sure how one walks away from today's game thinking that EJ is what's holding us back...
  18. For real - EJ put us in a spot to potentially win the game TWICE! I mean, I get it we lost, but holy cow people are acting as if EJ threw the game away, which just ain't the case...
  19. I mean those two last drive calls were straight BS (phantom illegal contact, PI in the EZ). I rarely blame the refs, but we got jobbed today. SJ13 and Chandler sure didn't help...
  20. Seems pretty silly to say "they have not had a chance the minute that they walk on the field". The game is TIED! I mean, pretty clearly we still have a chance, long after walked onto the field...
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