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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Now we can hate the player AND his walk out song! What's the over under on "Started From the Bottom"?
  2. I guess my point was it would be different if he were ripping around, ripping the spice. But a felony for just having it in the car seems crazy to me...
  3. From the Twitter (fwiw): According to arrest report, @buffalobills DL Marcell Dareus was pulled over in a 2011 Jaguar XJL, and was sober upon arrest. #Bills @wvuatv To be charged with a felony, while sober, for fake weed seems pretty ass-backwards...
  4. I don't buy the "the draft is pushed back, so now theres more speculation" argument on TBD. Pretty sure if the draft was two weeks ago, we would have just heard this rumor 2.5 weeks ago...
  5. Synthetic weed? What's wrong with the kids these days?
  6. I have it - hasn't really impressed, until the last update with the stadium renovations. It's a nice overview, fly-ins to where the changes are taking place, then comps and written descriptors of the new stuff. Slick.
  7. Make it more like Noon so I can cook and drink beers and I agree with this plan...
  8. My friend is flying up to Vermont from Florida for the weekend - third year in a row! It'll involve lots of food, beers, jerseys and probably laziness on the couch... It's going to be fun draft for sure - I can't wait to see what the Bills do, but I can't wait to see what EVERY team is going to do this year!
  9. You never fail find something negative out of something positive... I definitely remember reading articles on how Wilson asked other QBs for advice, if you search you'll see where he reached to Bradshaw for Super Bowl advice - clearly a sign of incompetence. How a young player / employee / student even asking advice of others can be seen as a bad thing is beyond me! And yes, all leaders are born, there's no point in education (as seen in the business world with the 12 billion leadership and management seminars available), or even giving people time to grow into a leadership role. If you haven't won the Super Bowl by age 8 you probably don't have it and never will...
  10. I wish my family's net worth was $3.8B - the home opener tailgate would be amazing!! Seems like there's a lot to like here, wonder what the other owners think of him after two failed bids? The team + NF land connection seem perfect. I love OP, but if we get a new stadium in NF, I'm not going to complain...
  11. You should start a facebook group too - real easy to share amongst Bills fans. Also, anyone good a photoshop? A mock cover would be nice...
  12. You can't help but like the guy. Just handles everything so well...
  13. Hmmm, I have an event at Breck the following weekend - I might have to roll in a few days early to catch this one! Coloradobillsfan, I liked the Fb page and I like you guys even more if you chose Hip-Hop over the Hip Does the http://www.coloradogreentours.com/ bus stop by the stadium on game day?
  14. Working on his footwork? The nerve of that kid!
  15. What are you talking about? Who from Toronto has "stepped forward" and said they want to buy the Bills aside from several media reports saying that Bon Jovi has expressed interest in buying an NFL franchise, that he has links to NFL owners and the Toronto group? You keep saying this, but never provide any supporting information. Also you seem convinced that no one from Buffalo is interested - again, based on what? Even JW said that the Jacobs statement from Delaware North wasn't as cut and dry and you want us to believe. Plus who knows about any of the other potential suitors... Just don't understand your stance that the alleged Toronto is the ONLY one interested (or even that someone there has actually come out and said "Hey, were going to bid on the Bills"). Maybe there actually is someone, or a group of someones that is interested in buying the team and keeping it in Buffalo. The one thing I would agree with you on is that the only way the Bills are going to stay in Buffalo is if a owner that wants to keep them here buys them, but just because YOU don't know who that is doesn't mean they don't exist. For the 97th time in this thread, let me reiterate that there is no evidence that the team HAS to be sold to the highest bidder. Sometimes, when businesses are sold it's not just to the bidder with the most money, its to the bidder that has the best fit - money, employees, location, etc.
  16. John unless you can speak in absolute facts and tell me 100% if EJ is going to be the best QB in the history of the NFL or the biggest bust ever to be drafted I'm just not sure what to think
  17. Check the EJ thread, the future GMs of America have plenty to say about how right or wrong Casserly is...
  18. FWIW, EJ is putting in work with Stevie and a couple other guys today - he put a pic up on Insta. Says something that they're out together working...
  19. Or just Jacobs making his team President feel secure and stable in his job...
  20. 80+ page thread coming when he signs with another team...
  21. Does the RV lot still open on Saturday? If so, I'm in! If not, I'm in!
  22. National Elite Camp, Smahional Elite Camp - a TBD poster said this is stupid and he's ranked 29 out of 54 punters and that's enough for me! Love the overreaction to every signing the Bills make. He'll either shine and make the team, or not. I'm pretty sure his cap hit isn't going to cramp our style...
  23. Hosanna to EJ in the Hiiiiighest... I'm definitely willing to give EJ a full season to see what he can do - he seems to have the tools, drive, smarts and desire to improve his game. Of course we all know it's not a "one-player" league (not that anyone refrains from criticism despite knowing this), so who knows what'll happen. One argument I don't buy is the "injury prone" one. I broke a rib and then my ankle in a span of 4 months last year - I hadn't broken anything for like 25 years before that and haven't broken anything since - am I now "injury prone"? Maybe if a guy gets hurt every time he gets hit, I'd buy it, but doesn't seem to be the case with EJ. More like bad luck and bad timing.
  24. Pretty sure I saw a picture of Stevie, Andre and Marrone in Buffalo yesterday - doesn't seem like Stevie is going anywhere...
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