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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. I do hear what you're saying. The guy needs some PR tips - anyone ready to open a Buffalo media consultancy to the stars?
  2. Pretty sweet - the copy at the bottom was some boilerplate about the event, "One stop shop for NFL players, lists of sponsors (Nike, EA, Lowes, etc.). Seems like a chance for the rookies to line up some potential endorsement deals, integration into sponsor activations, etc. I was SO hoping to see Sammy at the hotel!
  3. Uh, no. Guess my skate and snow roots came through on that one. It's "Border"
  4. Ha - I'm with ya, that synthetic crap is the WORST! Maybe he thought is was "more legal"? Maybe his guy was out of the good stuff
  5. Pot has also NOT ruined many lives (living in VT I know plenty of smokers that run rather large businesses just fine). Also, re: Darius comments - yes he could have taken more accountability, but I'm pretty sure he had to have that conversation with the Dougs, so if they're happy, I'm good. Just because every athlete doesn't apologize the way we want doesn't mean they're wrong / bad / whatever - I'm sure there are legal reasons behind his comments, plus a long drawn out "apology" might just shine more light on the situation... It happened, now lets just hope he puts it behind him and moves on so we can get to our playoff run!
  6. Pretty funny - just left the Lowes Hollywood were the Rookie deal is happening. I was hoping to see Sammy last night, then I realized he was in Buffalo for OTAs. In one hall they had a bunch of fake movie posters, EJ was featured on one called "North of the Boarder". Think they know Buffalo is in the US?
  7. Anything less than the playoffs is unacceptable! I'm definitely with the "no injuries" and "EJ to Sammy" crowd. Pretty excited to get this season rolling...
  8. I'm definitely interested - I'd probably go 8. Thanks for organizing Doctor!
  9. FWIW, a little more info on the Riverbend site: http://www.ecidany.com/documents/budc/RiverBend%20Brochure%2011_11.pdf And stadium placement on that location: http://www.19ideas.com/stadium?id=1337
  10. Even if we get a stadium right downtown they won't completely "kill" tailgating! Jeeze, even in Pittsburgh where you're under a road people still get their grill and talgate on...
  11. Why? Seems to be both potential sites have plenty of land, not like Pittsburgh where the stadium is landlocked... Even if the NFL tries they won't be able to kill Buffalo tailgating!!!
  12. Never used them, but ran across these guys on Twitter: http://www.thenamechanger.com/
  13. But in Buffalo, mostly just dead.
  14. Don't we need to go back in time to a place where Bon Jovi actually sold albums before we can boycott him? O_o
  15. FWIW, Ian Rapoport just gave an update from the Owners meetings and said that the Bills sale, relocation, etc. has not been discussed. He said he caught up with Russ who said the first step is finding the right owner - we might know who that is in January, it might take two years (Ian was quoting Russ). Sounds like we'll know, when we know...
  16. Good recap, that was a long interview to cover. That was a GREAT interview - it helped that it was Carucci who actually knows a little something about the Bills! Sounds like EJ is much more comfortable with the O this year (and, as said, will have full rein to make all the calls - last year the Oline was). I like the part when he talked about Fitz - not sure how ANY fan could dislike that guy. Re the training camp confidence question, it sounded to me like he meant he'll just have a *real* view of how close they are to competing for the division once the team is actually set, after TC.
  17. The link to the article: http://www.bradfordera.com/sports/article_1a038b02-dee1-11e3-8b72-0019bb2963f4.html?mode=story I love when people make crazy blanket statements like: "I think that we can conclude that (the trade to get Watkins) was a desperation move to make Manuel shine and one that will in every likelihood backfire." Yes, that's the ONLY conclusion we can reach. o_O
  18. Love those white gloves - can we see those during the season? I can't wait to see this kid on the field...
  19. Bills offense 2013: Run, Run, Pass Bills offense 2014: Puff, Puff, Pass Finally the NFL passes a rule that makes some freaking sense, cut back on the weed violations!
  20. For the record the Bills make me say "Wow" all the time, but it's usually in the context of "Wow, I can't believe that just happened. Again." Go Sammy!
  21. That was my first thought - did they HAVE to spell it with a "z"? Hell, I work in action sports and even "extreme" brands dropped the z spellings like 10 years ago... Is their logo in comic sans?
  22. Who was our first pick? I recorded the draft and I am ready to go.
  23. I bought myself a 42 Relevant piece of advice. Believe in my pick: Nicky Farors said it will be Ebron.
  24. Electric ladyland is coming home tonight...tonight....tonight, I see. Trade down for Mark Heitzinger OLB U of PItt.
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