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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. My favorite quote from that article: "We still owe about $180 million on the stadium," Miley noted, thanks to the mid-1990s makeover that city and county taxpayers paid for to bring the Raiders back from Los Angeles. "This is either smoke and mirrors," Miley said, "or they are on crack." Love when people throw out the "on crack" line!
  2. The more *I* hear about it, the more I feel like I should have pursued a career in the banking industry, I'm not sure the action sports industry is going to be me to a billion plus by the end of month so I can bid on the Bills... Also, lol at this quote: "I think it would be a tragedy to have the Bills go to some random city and be called, you know, the L.A. Multitude or whatever the hell they'd call it."
  3. FWIW, didn't see this posted yesterday, EJ back on the field training, working on that footwork: http://instagram.com/p/qNR8vnKDFp/
  4. He make all the bathroom jokes he wants, but when he's fighting a perception that he's a "party guy" and not doing his job, rolled up dollar bill jokes may not be the best choice... And his life Blows, not sucks!
  5. That's actually a good question - still, seems stupid to be doing this in a public bathroom (not that I'm condoning pictures of celebs in mens rooms). And if he's doing it as a joke, he's even more stupid than I thought - for you or me, that joke may be "funny" (?), but for a guy under the media eye, seems dumb. Maybe he was just taking his adderal or xanex. In crushed form. Up his nose.
  6. Overpay for the digital only version I guess since there's (apparently) no Madden deal this year. Anyone know where the link to the digital page is? DTV always seems to bury it...
  7. And I loved Talley's response: "Boxing? LOL. we're football players. i challenge u 2 stats." /gameover
  8. He and Tally are into it pretty good! @DarrellTalley: ". @DonteWhitner funny thing. If I saw u I wouldn't know u to fall over u. 25 years later people still recognize me." And, um, wow: @DarrellTalley: "@DonteWhitner I'll have a grip around ur mother f** throat. U have no idea how far my reach will reach. B**." (and that wasn't censored). Now they're going to box - Amazing
  9. For real - not sure why some have to hope for the worst vs hoping for the best. I get it, the OP doesn't think that the current situation will work out, ok, but is that really a reason to HOPE FOR THE WORST? Hope for the best, but know that whatever is going to happen is going to happen, and you'll stay much less stressed and be much happier. I mean, the season's coming you might as well get on board and at least try to enjoy it regardless of how it all plays out...
  10. Dear everyone, put down the crazy pills and step away from the keyboard...
  11. Yes, because Merriman and Kiko's injuries were close to the same O_o Is everyone here on crazy pills?
  12. What a bummer - I can't believe that Kiko gets hurt, before the season, working out. Stunned. He's definitely one of my favorite young Bills! Get well soon Kiko...
  13. Great link - I love the current look, the white helmet makes the whole uni feel clean and classic. The Red's, while fun in the 90's, stick out in the overall look too much IMO. I do like the silver's though Jack! Look at those 2002 - 2010s, no wonder we sucked for so long. O_o
  14. What if someone buys the team and keeps it in Buffalo, but a meteor hits the stadium because god hates the Bills? How do you react as a Bills fan? My reaction - move Sammy Watkins to QB.
  15. That's not really what I got from the interview - he never implied that EJ struggled, or wasn't mentally prepared. Keep in mind this was just me recapping, it's not word for word. He never said that EJ didn't know the playbook, reads or hit the right guys, just those are the things he needs to do to be a franchise guy. "Further knowing the playbook", was about going deeper into it this year - EJs been studying and is ready to really get into the full playbook with all options, calls, etc. He even said that EJ has done a good job of learning the playbook this year. The "better at knowing the game" quote (not sure that was Freddy's exact words), was more about EJ having more experience and knowing what to expect in games now that its year two. The last one was what everyone has talked about, even EJ, learning to get out of bounds. Had nothing to do with the playbook. Regardless, you can't help but get fired up listening to Freddy. Buffalo Bill at heart - he'd win every game alone, if he could...
  16. Loose transcript of his interview - good stuff, you GOTTA love Freddy! How is the O shaping up: - We added dynamic weapons - brought in a couple good RBs, Sammy (who lit it up in college), Woods, Goodwin. We have speed. Want to put up a lot of points this year. Where does EJ have to get better, what did you learn about him last year: - Last year we learned that EJ is the guy, great teammate, works hard. He's athletic, has the tools, just needs to know the playbook and reads and hit the right guys. He's been working on further learning the playbook in the offseason. Just needs to continue to work in TC to put it all together. What is EJ like on a day to day basis: - What you expect from a QB. First guy in, last guy out. Works with coaches, breaks down film, takes it home to study. Tremendous teammate. Doesn't want to the reason that the team doesn't get to where they want to be. He has the tools and traits, just needs to get better at knowing the game - he has the drive to do so. You've been there 8 years trying to find a QB. But last year was crazy with all the QBs. How challenging was that for the O? - Was tough to get the consistency that you need at the QB spot. But in the RB room, we want to take the pressure off those guys. Want to be the best RBs in the game and have the best attached in the league. It was tough without that one franchise guy all year. Hopes EJ learned and stays healthy. RB by committee, you're great at that. How did you embrace it? - Blessed to have great teammates (Willis, Marshawn, CJ), guys are not selfish and just want to win gams. when that's your goal you'll do whatever it takes. With RB by committee you stay fresh, don't get beat up, it extends careers. As long as guys want to believe that they want to win games at any cost, then you do whatever it takes. You're an old RB, hows the body for 8th season at 33: - Excellent. no complaints. Took some shots last year that beat me up, but feel best I have in a long time. The Bills have to do big things this year and looking forward to being a part of that. Wants to be a big part of the reason we turn this thing around and get us into the playoffs. Marshawn Lynch, take us back on the early days of his career: - We would have contest within the game - who can break the most tackles, or get the most stiff arms. We competed. he was willing to put the team on his back. After that he became Beast Mode - that punishing type RB. His mentality was they're going to hit me, so I'm going to hit them so they feel as bad as I do the next day. Freddy always watches Marshawn's game, he's like a brother. How does the fraternity of runners take the criticism that running backs don't matter as much in this "QB driven league? - You have to have a guy you can hand the ball to 25 times in our weather. Sometime passing game doesn't work and you need the RB to lean on. Notion that RB isn't important is nonsense, and we take it as a slap in the face, but we'll keep doing our thing. New ownership for the Bills and long term viability in Buffalo: - You try no to get too involved, but you pay attention. I've been here for so long you hope and pray nothing happens to this team. It would be bad for the area and fans. Me, Jim, Thurman, guys that have been here for a while, we want the team in buffalo. When I retire I want to walk back it the stadium and say this is where i played. It means a ton to the community, fans and the players. We have to do our part and win some championships! Do you think about life after football yet? - I'm all about football, I feel like i Have 3 - 4 more years in me. Just need to keep going out and showing and proving. That's my job. Play with the best and keep doing it at a high level. Lets hope I do and get an extension with Buffalo.
  17. Did you read the thread, or just post randomly? o_O Lots of talk in Sirius this afternoon about the Vick / Geno competition with Rich Gannon and Bruce Murray. Gannon feels the Jets should start Vick, then bring in Geno if he struggles; feels it'll be tough (and will be bad for Geno) if he gets the start and is pulled in a few games for Vick. They also talked about the pre-season and how fans are going to see Vick playing against 2s and 3s, but Geno against 1s - which could lead to fans screaming about how much better Vick is than Geno (despite the competition) and could make for a less than ideal situation for Geno... Definitely going to be fun to watch this one play out!
  18. Was it confirmed that it was Dareus and DMX on those bikes? Or have I said too much?
  19. A promotional products company is sponsoring the field house? What Adpro Sports needs to do is work on their logo - who decided on that "A"? Also, the kerning on Adpro vs Sports makes the entire thing feel off... Whatever, guess we'll take the sponsorship bucks where we can get 'em.
  20. Obviously. I just liked the 2020 symbolism, maybe it'll be like the movie 2012...
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