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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Not that I recently discovered them, but Spoon's new album is great. Definitely worth checking out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99mVS4H1waE
  2. That's what I thought too - I was yelling "Run another play!!" and they even cut to Caldwell with his hand on HIS red flag. Thanks for the explanation TBD!
  3. For real, if people think our Front Office is bad, they should really read this article - let's hope the Jets keep Izdik on-staff for a few years!!
  4. Dear Kyle and Nigel, Get Well Soon. Love, Heitz Seriously though, I'll be at the game with a crew from Vermont all weekend long at Hammers. Check the Tailgate forum, if any TBD'ers would like to meet up, you're more than welcome to stop by for a pop and some food!
  5. LOVE Freddy - I'm going to the game next week, a 22 jersey is on the list...
  6. Crew - I'll be at Hammer's with a group from Vermont. We'll be in two Cruise America RV's and will have a couple 10 x 10s. We'll be grilling, playing yard games and, of course, Monopoly Deal (great card game) all weekend. Feel free to stop by, grab a beer and bite with the boys and talk some Bills Football! I'm the guy that looks like my avatar
  7. Kiko doesn't see action, Action sees Kiko.
  8. Righhhht, but what you're missing is that THOSE guys are sometimes wrong, but TBD is NEVER wrong. Please adhere to the science of the board when in this alternative universe
  9. There are definitely some posters on this board that think so. Not saying EJ will be a 10 year vet, but to say he absolutely won't because he sucks right now is sill silly, IMO...
  10. This whole thread seems to have changed quite a bit from last night (at least the OPs OP)...
  11. I might see if he wants to stay in our RV for the Pats game weekend - dude seems like he can handle the drink and obviously he brings the ladies to the table as well! Orton and I will be firing up the grill Sunday morning around 6am!
  12. With the exception of about 10 teams, EVERYONE'S favorite QB is the back-up - lose a few games and everyone is already for the next guy on the bench...
  13. Trust me it is - great people, awesome contests, they're all a little crazy and definitely like to have way too much fun. Plus some of them make in the millions these days. If only I were younger and, you know, way better at riding my bike, skateboard or snowboard that'd be my career choice. And I'd have fun - no matter what my hometown fans thought of my performance
  14. Just as good a question - how does this thread and several Tanny threads live on, but the "would you wait?" thread gets locked? At least thread that was a different philosophical perspective on QB play... O_o
  15. Yeesh, this thread got crazy... IMO, peple aren't overly critical of EJ becase he's black, they're overly critical because we live in an age where everyone is a critic. What's worse is we live in an age where if something isn't "the best ever" instantly, it completely sucks and has no chance of growing, or growing on you (athletes, music, movies, art, whatever). Fwiw, I've worked with professional action sports athletes for years now - guess what? They tend to get better with a little experience and time to grow. Shaun White wasn't always the best snowboarder in the world, when he first went pro he was just a kid trying to learn his way. Obviously quite different than a high draft pick QB in the NFL, but man, the armchair Internet critics that drone on and on about how they're right, just get old, IMO. Just because EJ isn't great now (or, more to the point, helped do us in last week), doesn't necessarily mean he's terrible or doomed to lifelong failure.
  16. I met Takeo last Thursday in Brooklyn - super cool guy. Big as you would think, he neck really is as big as you would think. Told him I'm a big Bills fan and talked about his last game as a Bengal that he played in Buffalo when the fans started cheering for him. He said "that really made a difference to me!" and went on to talk about how awesome the fans are in Buffalo. Good stuff! Very cool that the OP got to meet Burce and Thurm - true Bills legends!
  17. Looks like that might be the spot - I want to dip to the city, but too many clients at Dew Tour. Of course, a bar only a few blocks away, easily dippable... Anyone in BK today? Let's Go Bills!!
  18. Yes, they're awful, hence us being one of the top scoring teams in the league these first two weeks... http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?tabSeq=2&season=2014&seasonType=REG&offensiveStatisticCategory=GAME_STATS&role=TM&d-447263-n=1&d-447263-o=2&d-447263-p=1&conference=ALL&d-447263-s=TOTAL_POINTS_SCORED
  19. A couple points - this was the regional chain pulling back it's sponsorship, not the full national hotel partner pulling their support. Anyone find it ironic that Budweiser is criticizing the NFL for its handling of its players: http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/nfl-controversy/major-sponsors-turn-heat-nfl-over-handling-abuse-scandal-n204736 A BEER company? Really? Half the abuse in this country probably starts with a bud!
  20. That first sentence is the crux of it all - people are PISSED and something had to be done. Call it bowing to public pressure, etc., but the same thing happens in the private sector all the time. There was a good day-long debate about this on Sirius yesterday during my leisurely 5 hour drive to NYC. Also, it's the Vikings that have put AD on the exempt list, not the NFL so seems a little off-base to blame the NFL / Goodell for this one...
  21. PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE PLAYERS. No suicide wings or fireball for the guys, RVers
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