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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Can Kyle Orton be Buffalo's next Snortin' Norton?
  2. :facepalm: It's even on page 1 still!
  3. Amazed that no one has brought up how the league is coddling NE here by not forcing them to travel to London! Happy both the Fins and Jets play there - too bad one of them has to win that game...
  4. How long is it again until the Jags move to London?
  5. Per the Vine: Guess that's us v Jags in London - booo!
  6. Since the Bills are part of next year's International series - the answer is no... Just saw this on the Twitter:
  7. HUGE mistake letting him go - our sacks and turnover ratio are going to be way down in '14!
  8. Very interesting stat from the Sal article: "Even though he turns 32 on Nov. 14, take a look around the NFL right now. Of the top 13 quarterbacks in passer rating, 12 are 30 years old or more. The list includes Rodgers (30), Manning (38), Ben Roethlisberger (32), Tony Romo (34), Tom Brady (37), Philip Rivers (32), Carson Palmer (35), Drew Brees (35), Eli Manning (33), Jay Cutler (31), and Alex Smith (30). The interloper is 25-year-old Andrew Luck." A reason to keep a vet AND develop a guy like EJ. I'd also draft a mid-rounder (this year or next, depending on how Uncle Orton plays out) and develop him too! As for 'ol Kyle, let's see where we get over the next few games - if we make the playoffs, I think you pay the guy for a few more years...
  9. There's a reason I bought a #22 jersey this year - Freddy is one guy on the Bills (heck, in the NFL) that you can be proud to wear his jersey!
  10. Just flipped over after seeing Yolo's post - rough night for Winston o_O
  11. Clearly the wrong owner bought the team! The Don would have started at the top and ended at the long-snapper - one-by-one, you're fired...
  12. You got me - what I meant was, I'll open another beer and watch as we cruise to victory!
  13. Love TBD, only here can a Super Bowl winning coach say "You'd be hard-pressed to find any controllable statistical combination that has quite the same rate of predictive success." and the retort is "Not really sold on this". I found the beginning of paragraph pretty amazing: "It has long been a proven adage that if you have a plus-2 turnover advantage on your opponent, you will win the game 80 percent of the time. If you have a plus-2 explosive-play advantage, it equally leads to winning about 80 percent of the time. If you have both of those, you win close to 95 percent of the time." I'll now watch every game for our plus 2 turnovers and plus two plays of 20+ yards and will shut the TV off then...
  14. Didn't Spiller have his biggest year running up the middle between the tackles? Pretty sure I had read that in a couple articles and seems like a criticism that comes up constantly... Coach can't hit the holes for him (of course, our O line can't really OPEN the holes for him either, soooo).
  15. You're doing it all wrong... First we drink heavily, then blame the refs. Then we drink more and blame the OC and Head Coach Then we drink more and blame the GM and Owner Then we drink more and blame our family for raising us in Buffalo instead of some winning football city Then we cry, accept our fate and start looking forward to the next game, which is the one that if we win, will catapult us to the playoff FOR SURE this year! And to that, and to you Mr. Panda, I say
  16. Case Keenum released and there's not already 4 the threads on the guy. TBD, you slippin'...
  17. McCoy looked like he was going to crap his pants in the pre-game interview, not to mention the first quarter. I thought there was NO WAY the skins were winning that game... Also, I had to laugh at how the Skins must be some Bills fans dream team - Cousins (draft target by many), McCoy (draft target my many), Mobile QB (draft target by our GMs).
  18. A sensible Sully article!? This really IS a different Buffalo Bills season... Only one thing to do now
  19. Except for the fact that it got them 5 wins halfway through the season, so seems like it *could* be enough to get us 10 wins in a full season. And for the record, I'm NOT a fan of Hackett, but the simple narrative that the Bills O sucks and that's ALL on Hackett doesn't fly with me. Especially when we're scoring points and winning games (and have a KILLER D)...
  20. It's not if you win or lose, it's how your fanbase reacts to said wins on the Interweb's message forums.
  21. Oh man, that was epic - not always a fan of rants, but that was funny... "Orton completed 10 passes...FOR 9,000 YARDS!"
  22. He also added "YOUR TOP TWO BACKS ARE OUT!", which made me laugh. Doesn't Pat know is the Bryce and Boobie era now!?
  23. FWIW, when asked about the lack of the Bills running game on Sirius today, Pat Kirwan threw out the stat that the Bills average 4.8 yards per carry on first down, which puts them at like 8th in the league. He said we're actually not that far back and will another 100 or so yards we would be 4th in the league in rushing on first down. So I know everyone hates the first down run, but bad news, it's working...
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