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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Exaaaactly, not to mention if its so easy why don't teams go for it more often? It's just a step dudes! Also, didn't that NYT article say every coach is conservative??
  2. lol Kiko doesn't fear snowstorms, snowstorms fear Kiko...
  3. Actual photo of Buffalo after the storm: They had BETTER play the game at the Ralph - this is Buffalo football weather! And let me add that as a Vermonter, I'm pretty disappointed that Buffalo is hoarding all that snow, please feel free to park that lake effect right over Stowe! It's sunny with NO snow here (though it's cold had hell and the resort is already open, sooo....)
  4. Stupid work getting in the way TBD meltdowns! I'm going to have to quit my job to spend more time here... Where's Hammer? Maybe I can get an assistant parking gig (though, I know he runs that like a SCIENCE, so maybe I'd be better just drinking in Hammer's Lot)...
  5. Can I just get 5 more points from Brown please? Yeesh...
  6. This game is strange... Also, I thought the same thing about Edwards!
  7. I'm behind in both my leagues: I have Pitts D in one (down by 8 points - leading now). And A. Brown in the other (down by 11). Naturally I benched Miller this week because he's sucked and he gets the first catch. Of course... Go Pittsburgh?
  8. SETTLE DOWN! https://twitter.com/buffalobills/status/533052206170537984/photo/1
  9. For real. Or people act like NFL coaches are the most eloquent, forthcoming public speakers - do people ever listen to other team's post game pressers?
  10. Yup, it's that simple - he was a Pro Bowler two year ago, and nothing else ever happened with the guy. He was SO good he had to go on sabbatical I guess...
  11. Finally someone that we hadn't thought about firing yet! Way to go!
  12. They always do, don't they? No matter when they are!
  13. Only other teams do - thats why the Bills are the only team in the NFL to fumble this year. Obviously, Marrone and Hackett are busy drawing up pass plays that have Orton throw the ball 5 yards short to a receiver to practice "Ball Security". Obviously.
  14. Yet it always is - strange how professional football works...
  15. Or as some would want us to believe, Hackett TOLD him to under-throw the ball by 5 yards Did everyone watch the same game on Sunday? Too many plays were left out on the field...
  16. That's how I see it too... And, here's where sit in the AFC: http://www.nfl.com/standings?category=conf&season=2014-REG&split=Overall
  17. 1) Really? 2) You do know it was a military tribute, hence the camo
  18. The Holy Grail of Molecular Gastronomy?
  19. But my PS4 is WAAAAY better than my Super Nintendo...
  20. Second post in the thread - truth. He holds that ball, we (probably) win. Obviously we missed opportunities (play calling, drops, throws, protection, etc.), but everyone does. But that fumble, eventually, out of the EZ was a killer...
  21. But of course! Tailgate is at my place, Chicago Style dogs this weekend (even got some Sport Peppers online). Go Bills!!
  22. Sadly I will not be - if only! Would love some stromboli's with you and Heady Toppers with Hammer!
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