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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. ^ what he said. So funny that people think Whaley is an idiot becase he didn't give an explanation. Clearly anyone that rises to the position of NFL GM (after being groomed in Pitts, none the less), is dumber than TBD. Jeenyus!
  2. You guys just don't get it the OP's post is bold AND in large font - this guy means business. Also, finally a Trestman thread!
  3. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTuKzIdZYzEIpMXUdDnIsXe_Xs35v2s_JcFJEgYtFDdFLgbb_Oc ?
  4. That's just want the government wants you to believe - way to take the bait!
  5. So funny, the look on Russ' face does read as "that dude is dreamy". Regarding Whaley, how would I know? I wasn't with him I swear. Why are you asking me - just because I live in Vermont and recently got back from Colorado!? I DIDN'T DO IT!
  6. OK, I was a little fast and loose with the analytics are responsible comment As for the others (just IMO, BTW TBD): - Brandon: He's the President of the team, they make decisions as an organization, he's part of the discussions (coaching staff, while in "Football Ops" are also part of the larger organization, maybe there's a guy that's a jerk to EVERYONE - even outside of the football department - that needs to go for non-football reasons). - Admitting EJ is, or is not, a franchise QB: because we just don't know yet. Was he this year or last? No. Might he be next year? Hard tellin', not knowin' Bottom line for me is that our record get better, we went from 6 wins to 9 and with a few key positional (and yes, perhaps staff *cough* OC *cough*) adds, I see that going up next year. Plus I personally had one of the most damn fun Bills seasons in years. Camping at Hammers. The Denver game in Denver. Hosting the Billsmafia at my place in VT. I had a lot more highs, than lows Russ LOVES Marrone! Classic shot for sure...
  7. Polian is so old and inept, he doesn't event know it's Monday and he's supposed to already be working for the Bills! Or maybe he's just waiting until after 4:20pm EST to sign (gotta get his head clear)... Way to fail Russ!
  8. How did you read the quote you posted and get out of it that things might not change? We're done with the players, now we'll look at everything else... Yes, but just because they announced it, doesn't mean they have to tell YOU what they're doing with it. But you're right, it was probably the lack of analytics that made us miss the playoffs - not the QB, OL, RB group and OC...
  9. Alt translation: We don't want to tell you. TBD should have a full conspiracy forum, the simplest explanations are never accepted here!
  10. Was going to post almost the same thing, but people would rather just talk than research... For the record, the full wiki page on Marc: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Trestman#NFL
  11. At least Marrone seemed like he was happy and having a little fun - remember when he was the most contentious coach in the league somewhere in the middle of the season?
  12. I forget, did EJ bang your wife or mom? The crusade has just been going on for so long I can't remember...
  13. Duh: http://smokinjaycutler.tumblr.com/ If EJ was a real QB the fans would have already created meme and Tumblr page for him...
  14. Right? Did we all watch the same game??
  15. There are Bills fans that are NOT watching the game today? Okaaaaay...
  16. Anyone listening to GR55? Sounds like the rumor mill is really starting to spin: Marrone and Whaley don't get along, Chris Polian in as GM, Bill P in at some role, Ayrault in (per the post above too), Brandon, Whaley and Overdorff's jobs are ALL potentially in jeopardy. Should be a few next couple weeks...
  17. It's a BILLS GAME. Hello. I get that we're not going anywhere this year, but man this season has been one of the most fun in recent memory for me. From watching the Bears game on my phone hungover at at wedding. To camping at Hammers and just the great crew of people there. To the road trip in Denver with just the best Bills hosts around (and the following weekend's victory over GB with a crew of Pack fans at the bar in Breck). I had an absolute blast! I mean I get that the only goal of the Bills is to win a Super Bowl, but MY only goal is have fun, cheer for a win and to be proud of my WNY / NWPA heritage. 15 - 0, 0 -15, I'm ALWAYS watching the last Bills game of the season as a proud fan and, more importantly, as a part of Bills Nation!
  18. Someone get me Buddy the Wonderdog on the phone! Or is he still slurping up Heady Toppers? Awwww, nice of our own little ray of sunshine to chime in with an opinion we've never heard expressed by him.
  19. Fair point. But does he check-in on the designers before deadline? Is he there when they unveil the next gen turbine? I bet yes... Granted the "Russ as football GM" was a bad idea, but, while I'm sure he has some influence (he is the President), I'm pretty sure the football guys are making the football decisions now. And the Bills are a well run team and that is in part because of Brandon. Of course as a guy with 10+ years in the sports marketing world, I'm all for firing Russ and hiring me! I promise TBD I'll stay out of Football decisions... So funny the number of people here that think Russ (or Whaley, or Buddy) work and make decisions in a vacuum. Any big decision like this is made by a core group of "upper management", or at least that's how major decisions are made at every company I've ever worked for (and, you know, that's what articles have said happened in this case).
  20. Didn't Spiller have his biggest year with Jauron, running up the gut? Just asking, cause I'm sure I read / heard that somewhere...
  21. But why would the President of a company be involved in its day-to-day operations!? It makes no sense! I'm sure Immult cheers when GE releases a new turbine, doesn't mean he designed it...
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