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Everything posted by Heitz

  1. Just like a job interview should work, but hey, this is TBD where molehills are mountains and doooooom is around every corner!
  2. You know the ball didn't weigh 2 pounds less, right? A football only weighs 14 - 15 ounces inflated (not even 1 pound). The ball was down 2 Pounds per Square Inch (PSI), not two full pounds... Not defending it, but let's at least make sure we're outraged about the right thing.
  3. Shannon Sharpe said if it's true Pats should lose their first round pick, be fined a million dollars and BB should be suspended for a year! Now that's a punishment I'd be IN for!!
  4. Can we please get this locked in so I can quit my job, move back to Buffalo and open a little spot downtown for my "retirement"? Exciting times for Buffalo...
  5. fwiw, you know, a bio: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanjay_Lal He played with Napoleon Kauffman, loved those Huskies teams back in the day! Finally, a new reason to be Doomed!
  6. Just tape big "X"s in the windows with duct tape. Problem solved, just send me 2 mil and I'm good...
  7. Agree - and obviously needed in South Florida! The 72 Club looks sick, free booze, good food, car service to and from the game! And big cushy seats with TVs right in front of you. Pinkies out, bro. Still, I'd take that set-up at The Ralph!!
  8. When the Bills move out of The Ralph, does anyone want to go in and rent it as a condo? I WILL move back to Buffalo for that Hammer, bring the whole family - the the Lot just got HUGE! No pressure on Kenny, I would expect he'll move the tailgate to downtown, but maybe we can still do Saturday's at Hammer's, er, my condo's parking lot? Flag football games all year. A huge garage, for all my 1 Jeep. GIANT TV - think of the video game tourneys and movie nights? It's gonna be great, who's IN?
  9. Think I figured out why he cancelled - he's already killing it...
  10. "But my Defense did a great job of holding Payton in-check. Sadly, Hackett's O couldn't score enough points to get the win"
  11. HA! Winter Is Coming. Can Brady please retire? Without that guy, they'd be in trouble. Someday that Pats will get whats coming to them...
  12. I think everyone in BTV and across the action sports industry knows that I'm a die-hard Bills fan. When Rex was first hired I was getting a lot of "Rex?" "No waaay!" "Ha, Rex!". Over the last several days, that's changed. I've definitely gotten a lot of texts and emails from people that think it's good (and *smart*) hire. I even got a voice mail from a guy in RI, big Pats fan, that called to say that he heard Rex on the radio and he thinks Bills could have BIG year - if we figure out the QB. Spot on. Also, of Bills nation up here a couple are on board, a couple are not. I'm sure everyone will warm when the season starts to roll around...
  13. Not that this has anything to do with the article, buuuuut - Jim Schwartz is the BEST example of TBD in action! Our D becomes killer under Pettine in '13, at end of season, everyone freaks out that he's leaving. Then everyone REALLY freaks out when they find Pettine is being replaced by Schwartz, with his ineffective Wide-9, Wannastache-esqe lack of blitzing, undisciplined teams and brash attitude. We were doomed! Then our D lights it up in '14. Now it's time for Schwartz to move on and everyone once again freaks, but now because we're losing Jim, rather than having him join the team! Good news kids, at least we're replacing Schwartz with one of the few dudes out there that actually has chops to maybe do even better. Maybe we save our freak outs for when things are actually bad?
  14. And it goes beyond the locker room - Rex is going the have the entire organization and even town, billeving and pushing to "be great". By some accounts Marrone was a downer all around the org, Rex will bring a welcome new attitude... He wasn't my first choice, I hadn't even really considered Rex to be honest, but I wasn't against it. But now, after the hire, I'm really liking it - the guy passes the eye test of being an "NFL Head Coach" and has me drinking the kool-aid! Our team needs a leader to get them to the mountain top, Rex can lead. One other thing that's a little glossed over is that that Pegula's were looking were looking for a "football man", well Rex has been around the NFL his *entire life*, obviously a guy like that has a lot of contacts. Obviously. Bring on the off-season, I'm ready! (w/ Rex)
  15. Rex is gonna be on Murph in a few minutes - wgr55.com Can't wait for more quotes
  16. I'm shocked by the love for Popeye's - the few times I've eaten there it's been TERRIBLE. Doesn't Buffalo have at least ONE legit, non-chain fried chicken joints? Even David Chang is opening one in NYC... BTW, here's the next big thing in fried chicken: http://www.chocochicken.com/ Yup, Choco chicken.
  17. Even Schopp and The Bulldog like Rex - Doooooomed! WGR does crank up the volume on the commercial spots - holy LOUD!
  18. I personally disagree - this was about Rex, not Pegula and plans that were supposedly in the works before Marrone left. I get this is one of the few times they actually have face time with Terry, but start rocking the boat and it might be the LAST time you get face time with him. I guess the other problem for me personally is that, it didn't happen, so I don't really care now. Its done and over, on the next. But again, that's just me
  19. Or about your potential deal for a football czar, or about the dumbest of Bills fans conspiracy theories, the analytics department and what they're up to. Hell, why not ask why the turf seems so slippery or the stadium was painted black outside, not white. Why didn't they ask what brand of beer everyone was drinking at the Big Tree last night!? Amateurs!
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